Chapter 1

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"Do you like... safe places..?"

The men and women gathered around the speaker backed up a bit, pulsing red weapons ready to strike. The speaker, covered entirely by their kagune, didn't move. It hadn't moved the entire time, even after hearing the screeches of its mother as she was captured. One of the group stayed where he was, silver eyes peering at the Kakuja without a word. The speaker shifted, it's next words surprising the unbeatable dove.

"Tired... Human taste bad... Hungry... No prey here... No prey here..."

The man continues to stare for some time, before turning towards the female ghoul, whimpering and tied up.

"Does he not eat?"

She stares at him, expression fearful for her life. Her mouth opens and closes erratically, like a suffocating tuna, before words finally move past her lips.

"I cannot feed us often.... So he ate his father, and whatever ghouls came to visit... I try to make him eat like me... But he cries... He hates eating your kind... Says they taste bad.. He'll only drink their blood."

The creature shifts again, a strangled groan coming from it at it leans against the wall behind it. The man's gaze returns to it, staring for another moment before speaking again.

"Capture it, but don't kill it. It seems we have a rare case on our hands. We should use it wisely."

The group springs forward without questioning his judgement. Though his life is potentially at risk, the creature doesn't move, letting the doves do as they please.

The following morning, the apartment was deserted.


It's been almost 15 years since I was brought to this place. It's nice here. They give me food, and in return, I help them with whatever they wish. They don't mind giving me the bodies of ghouls they've killed. I suppose I'm just like a garbage disposal for them, which works out for the both of us.

Sometimes I'm lonely, sometimes I'm afraid. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I smile.
Sometimes I'm in anguish, sometimes I laugh.
Sometimes you stare, sometimes you glare.

It's strange, how my mind will suddenly turn to nonsense. I suppose it's just a part of me by now. I've never eaten humans, only other ghouls. I guess you could say I 'ate' them while in the womb, but I was technically eating my own mother instead. She was weak when I was born, and never recovered. So she could only gather enough food for herself. The few times she tried to feed me, I'd start wailing. I hated the taste, and ended up throwing it back up. When I was old enough to walk, surviving only on human blood, I killed my father. My kagune was already unusually strong at the time. I ate him without any regret, scaring my mother half to death. She began to fear me, beginning to lure other ghouls to our home instead of risking being eaten herself. By age 5, I'd become a Kakuja. I was 7 when the CCG picked me up. Now, I'm 22.

I have pale skin from being inside in the dark for so long, shaggy white hair, and pale blue eyes. My eyes have scars around them from an incident where I tried to eat my mother. I'm tall, lanky to the point where I seem unnaturally long. I usually wear plain t-shirts and sweatpants, donations from a few of my handlers. I have ten of them, taking turns watching and taking care of me. Through them, I learned to read and write, and how to behave in a way that didn't seem dangerous to those around me. I used to stare at people with a rabid expression. I still stare, but now I just seem curious or puzzled.

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