100 Truths

67 11 7

Tagged by sorakoi . It's been like 926372618 years since you've tagged me to do this and I'm only doing it now, lool.

1. Your real name: Not sharing it, but my alias is 'Silver.' Only close friends shall know, lmao.

2. Your nickname: J, JJ, JJ Chips, J**, J**, J****, Silv, Shiruba and JC.

3. Your favorite color: Black, gray, silver.

4. Your gender: Gender-fluid.

5. Your elementary school: They call it primary school here and I went to S.A.N.P.S.

6. Your middle school: Don't have that here, but if they did, I would be in my second year.

7. Your high school: I got to ****** ***** ********* *******.

8. Your college: Don't have that here.

9. Your hair color: Black.

10. Tall or short? Short.

11. Jeans or sweats? Both.

12. Phone or camera? Phone.

13. Health freak? A bit.

14. Apples or oranges? Both.

15. Do you have a crush? Yeah.

16. Guy friends or girl friends? Eh... I don't really care.

17. Do you have piercings? Yes.

18. Pepsi or coke? I don't really drink soda, but I prefer pepsi, I guess.

19. Have you ever been on a plane? Yes.

20. Have you ever been in a relationship? Yes.

21. Have you ever been in a car accident? Nearly. Dad went on the wrong side of the road and a car nearly hit us.

22. Have you ever been in a fistfight? Yes.

23. Your first piercing? Mom told me I got it when I was 6 months old.

24. Best friends? No, but I have really close friends.

25. Have you ever gotten any awards? Yes.

26. Your first crush? In kindergarten.

27. Your first word? Baby.

28. Your talents? Is being double-jointed a talent? I have no idea, lmao.

29. Last person you talked to? Myself.

30. Last person you texted? Currently talking to sorakoi and Shadamynic .

31. Last person you watched a movie with? Myself.

32. Last thing you ate? Noodles.

33. Last movie or TV show you watched? Um, it was 'Unfriended.'

34. Last song you listened to? I'm actually listening to Disney songs right now, LOL. "Reflection" from Mulan.

35. Last thing you bought? Three weeks ago, I bought a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

36. Last person you hugged? Eh, hugs... I can't really remember the last person I hugged.


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