13 Questions

43 9 2

Tagged by liezelga .

1. Favorite weather?

The rainy and/or gloomy kind of weather.

2. Favorite Pokemon?

Snivy and its evolutions - Servine and Serperior. Ooh, but I also like Zekrom.

3. What would you like better, 2D or 3D person?

Both, I guess? I don't really know lol.

4. Favorite song at the moment?

At the moment, huh... Um, I guess "The Last Night" by Skillet or "Haven't Had Enough" by Marianas Trench.

5. Pop music or classical music?


6. Vanilla milkshake or chocolate milkshake?

I can't remember the last time I've had milkshake... Um, chocolate milkshake, I guess?

7. Books or movies?

I like both, but movies more because I can multi-task more when watching, lool.

8. Favorite console?

X-Box, Play Stations, Nintendo, I think that's it?

9. One thing you want to change? (nationwide)

I don't know. Other than myself, lol.

10. Favorite instrument?

Guitar, piano and, even though I don't play these two instruments, drums and violin.

11. What do you often wear when going out?

Uh, for bottom, I usually wear jeans or these baggy pants. Then for top, I wear an oversized t-shirt and a jacket or a long-sleeved t-shirt. For shoes, I just wear runners.

12. Cosplay or stick with 2D?

I don't really like cosplay that much, so I guess I'll stick with 2D.

13. Traditional art or digital art?


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