13 Questions

49 11 4

Tagged by liezelga .

1. Who's the person you hate so much?

Uh... I don't really know.

2. Are you a night or day person?

A night person.

3. Zodiac?

I'm a Gemini, but I remember taking a quiz and it said I was more Scorpio, lool.

4. Is the struggle real?

Yeah, it is.

5. Are you bisexual, gay, straight or homophobic?

None of these, lel.

6. You dirty-minded or nah?

Sadly, I am very dirty-minded.

7. Favorite YouTuber?

I have a lot, so I can't really pick just one. Wassabi Productions, nigahiga, HigaTV, Liza Koshy, jacksepticeye, PewDiePie, Markiplier. I think there were more, but I forgot their YouTube acc //dies

8. Are you on the kind or cruel side?

Both, depending on the situation, lel.

9. What Pokémon will you keep?


10. Would you never watch anime forever or never play videos games forever?

Uh, I guess never watch anime forever, I need my games, lool. I can still read manga, anyway.

11. Express your feelings with an emoji.


12. Last song you have listened to?

Currently listening to "Just A Dream" by Nelly.

13. Hated anime?

Don't have one. At least, not yet, lool.

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