Summary + playlist

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Malichai Nathaniel Raeken, or as he goes by, Micah Bowersox (his aunts last name, and his nickname).

Younger brother to the all to well known Theo Raeken in Beacon Hills. But Micah doesn't live in Beacon Hills anymore, he moved away to live with his aunt after he watched Theo practically kill Their older sister by not doing anything to help her as she froze to death.

He still dwelled on what would have happened if he had gotten there minutes earlier, but he was always late for everything.

His brother most likely thought he was dead, Micah had runaway after that, to live with his/their aunt and uncle a few states over.

During those years away from beacon hills he blossomed into his own person, becoming something special while his brother became something evil.


"You can't just act like nothing happened, Theo" Micah whispered. "Why do you act like what just happened wasn't murder? Why didn't you help her?"

But the younger Malichai didn't get an answer from his older brother, it seemed like his brother was in a trance, staring with his head tilted where their dead sister now lay.

That day Micah ran away, his parents knew where he was going, but Theo didn't. In all honestly he didn't want his brother to know were he was, or that he was alive, fearing that he would be the next sibling to die.


It didn't take long for Micah to earn friends in his knew home, being the like able, nice, and athletic boy that he was.

But still, his mind would wonder back to Beacon Hills, he didn't even know if his family still lived their, or if Theo had killed their parents as well.


A few days before the incident, Micah had felt something off with Theo's presence, like a dark aura had taken over. Micah had told his parents about it, but they had just brushed it off.

Micah didn't know if his parents knew that Theo was the reason for her death, they did, all to willingly, send him away as soon as he asked even without an explanation.


Micah changed his name after about two years of being in his new home, his aunt and uncle did ask why, which he was glad about.

Micah just didn't want the last name if a murder anymore, and no one would ever think if him as 'Theo Raeken's little brother', like back in Beacon Hills. He was now Micah Bowersox.


During some nights, usually around the end of the month, Micah would have similar reoccurring dreams. And when he'd awake, he'd always be somewhere away from his bed.

He always dreamed about a war or battle, it was good and evil. It always ended with him and Theo. But not the young Theo that he had left, it was always an older Theo and he was always older Micah.

But that wasn't the strangest part. In the dreams he and his brother seemed to hold inhumane abilities. His brother inhumane speed, reflexes, and strength.

And himself with powers that he could barely explain, it seemed like the power of elements, but each dream the element would change.


Micah soon turned eighteen years old. Not much had happened to him, he wasn't exactly popular, he was still sweet and kind Micah Bowersox, and nothing exciting ever happened since that day.

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