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Third person p.o.v

Micah had stayed at the McCall's house the previous night, it seemed like Melissa didn't have the heart to let the boy out wandering all night, after he had already almost gotten hypothermia. She had given him their guest bedroom that was across the hall from Scott's bedroom.

Micah had been woken up –he felt so much better then he had the night before, he was warm, and didn't feel any pain or numbness– by whispering –very bad whispering– from right outside the guest room doorway. He had tried not to listen for a few moments, until his name was mentioned in their conversation –he presumed it was Scott and Stiles. He couldn't help himself from listening, even though he did feel guilty.

"Are you just going to let 'Micah' stay in your home? You remember the last time someone came to Beacon Hills, pretending to be innocent and nice and full of rainbows and sunshine, he's still in town and causing havoc, with a chimera pack now." Stiles 'whispered', as Micah slowly and quietly stood up from the bed, walking over to the doorway.

Micah felt a tang of sadness in his heart Had he done something already for them to not like?

By the way Stiles had said his name was like he barely believed that was true about him.

Micah didn't want to jump to conclusions that they were talking about Theo causing havoc on the town, though he wouldn't put it passed him.

His mind wandered back to the last two words Stiles had said, 'chimera pack'?

He had read plenty if Greek mythology so that he knew almost every creature, and he remember the definition if a chimera perfectly: a lion with the head of a goat arising from it's back and a tail that might end with a snake's head. The term has come to describe any mythical or fictional creature with parts taken from various animals. Or to describe anything composed of very disparate parts, or perceived as wildly imaginative, implausible, or dazzling.

And then there was a medical term: Another way that chimærism (chimæra, also said as chimera) can occur is by organ transplantation, giving one individual tissues that developed from two genomes. For example, a bone marrow transplant can change someone's blood type.

'Did Theo randomly find a group of teenagers that had bone marrow transplants and had bliss type changes? Is that how those teenagers died?' He thought to himself, quizzically.

"Micah found Lydia, he gave her his coat even though he was freezing, he almost didn't even agree to let Parrish give him a ride because he didn't want to cause trouble. Does that sound evil to you?" Scott asked Stiles.

"It sounds like he's pulling a Theo Raeken on us."

Micah had finally decided to cut in, even though he felt rude about doing so, "may I ask why you think I'm 'pulling a Theo Raeken' on you? For I see nothing wrong with what I have done, helping the girl –Lydia– but if there is, I am severally sorry. Who, might I ask, is Theo Raeken?" He asked –he himself admitted that he sounded like an old aged gentleman–, they both seemed surprised that he was awake and had heard either all or some of their conversation. He took their silence as a time to apologize, "I am sorry I have interrupted you, I just heard my name being mentioned, and not to be rude, but your not very quiet at whispering"

Stiles seemed to snap out if his surprise, "that's nice to know" he said sarcastically. "And for your information, Theo Raeken is... Just this guy who earned my friends' trust and then turned around and stabbed them in the back, with like a metaphorical freaking machete... About twenty times. But I never trusted him, never. And that's also what I call 'pulling a Theo Raeken'. That's also why I'm wary of you, and also every new person in Beacon Hills"

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