01 • Red Riding Hood

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Third person p.o.v

Micah hadn't noticed how cold it was outside, he was metaphorically and seemingly frozen as he stood outside.

He rubbed his arms, trying to find the heat that wasn't outside. His vision wasn't very helpful, his mind was spinning, and most things were deformed in his eyes.

It had took him a few minutes to actually start walking, not out of the forest, his curiosity was still burning inside him, he was going to investigate this giant tree stump. Even though he believed in magic, he didn't know if he believed a plain on tree could be a magical inanimate object. He pictures more of a Chia Pet, like from the commercials he had seen on tv, if anything plant like was magical.

He leant down to touch the old wood of the tree, not really feeling anything special about it, but he did see the beauty in it. It must have been at least two hundred years old. Vintage.

He stood back up, finally wondering if anyone else had seen the weird encounter as well. His eye sight had finally went back to normal, what perfect eyesight it was.

It had been a few minutes of walking around the trees area until he stumbled upon the strawberry blonde seemingly conscious, but not really. He, being the perfect boy and gentleman he was, had read a few medical books, so now he knew how to give CPR, if needed, and how to check her pulse. He leant down, lightly putting his fingers on the side of her neck, her pulse. It was slow, but it was there, barely there.

He had also noticed that her skin was freezing cold, he didn't know how long she had been out here, but she was definitely close to, if she didn't already have, hypothermia.

Even though his arms were pretty much numb from the cold, even though he was wearing a coat, he did admit to himself it wasn't very heavy, he still put his arms under the strawberry blonde girl, and slowly and lightly picked her up from the ground.

He took off his –not very heavy– jacket, figuring she needed it more then him, –even though he knew it wouldn't make a big difference– putting it around he shoulders.

'What happened to you?' He thought to himself, maybe she was apart of what he had seen somehow, she had probably seen it as well, her eyes seemed to be frozen in a dazed stare.

He would have called someone, but he knew no one in Beacon Hills, except for Theo. Who was definitely not his go to person, after both of the horrific things he had seen him do.

But still, a small percent of glistening hope existed in Micah existed for his older brother. But he wasn't going to act on that small part of him. His brother might not have been a full monster, but he seemed to be getting there.

In the old fairytale, Red Riding Hood never knocked on the Big Bad Wolf's front door, in this situation Micah was Red Riding Hood and Theo was the Big Bad Wolf. Micah was definitely not going to knock on Theo's door.

'Did Theo do this to you?'

Thinking that his older brother would hurt someone like this made his little hope even smaller.

He walked through the woods, everything was silent except for the creatures around that rustled through the woods and the thoughts in his head. Also, the loud pain from the numbness that was felt in his arms and legs, but getting the girl in his arms safe and warm was his only mission.

Micah was always one to put others needs before his own, even if he was freezing. Others go first.

Through the middle of his walk, he was stopped by a seemingly young man, who wore the badge of a deputy. He seemed torn up about the hypothermic girl in Micah's arms, quickly but lightly taking her from Micah into his own arms.

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