04• They Need Healed

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Third person p.o.v

Even though Stiles had told Micah not to communicate with any if Theo's pack, he still became friends with Corey.

He believed that it was not Corey's fault what Theo did.

He had ended up seeing Corey as he was walking through the woods, Micah was clearing his mind.

At first, neither boy said anything, they just walked side by side, not verbally acknowledging each others presences. Until Corey spoke up, asking Micah about the shoulder in which Tracy had struck him on.

Micah answered honesty, he didn't feel it anymore, it had pretty much healed entirely, after about a day, now all that was left was a scar and redness surrounding it, but he could deal with it.

Corey nodded along, saying that h was happy Micah was alright.

Micah glanced at him, he felt as if Corey wasn't telling him something, there was a weird tension that slowly filled the air around him. Micah lightly grabbed Corey's arm, stopping him from walking any farther.

Micah lightly put his hand on Corey's shoulder, he stared into Corey's eyes as he stared back. "Is something wrong? How does your alpha treat you?" He asked quietly, worried.

"Theo treats us fine. You know, we're all on the same side here; Scott, Stiles, and you are all fighting to do the right thing, well Theo's kind if doing that too. Except it's more about staying alive to him, he wants to beat this creature, he calls it the beast." Corey explained. "Where would you want to be standing in the end? With the good guys that are probably dead? Or the 'bad guys' that are still alive? Or would you want to he the one stuck in the middle, not able to chose which side they're on because both have people they care about?"

"I would never abandon someone I care about, it's against my better nature. But, also, I would never be the 'villain'. I don't plan on changing my mind now or ever. Besides the good guys, the good guys they usually win" Micah said as he finally removed hi hand from Corey's shoulder, sighing.

"You like heroic stories? Your the Henry Clerval in this horror story, are you not?" Corey asked, averting his gaze to something behind Micah, Micah didn't want to turn around, I saw he came face to face with Theo. "I need to go. But, if you ever change your mind about your side, or if you just want to be my friend and talk, call me sometime" he said as he handed Micah his number, but moving his gaze from behind him, he walked around Micah. Micah finally turned around and indeed he did see Theo, glowering at Micah, even if he didn't like Micah, he still didn't like him.

Micah felt a pull on one of his heart strings as he watched Theo throw him one last glare before he lead Theo away and out if the woods.


"I would like to help you rescue your friend from New Mexico" Micah stated as Stiles stood by his jeep, leaning into the open hood, fixing what seemed to be everything. Stiles had just now seemed to realize Micah's presence, sighing, but not moving or looking up from the hood.

"There is no arguing with you, child, but, if you hurt my jeep in anyway, I will kick you out. While it's moving." Stiles promised him, while Micah gave Stiles his word to never hurt his jeep, which was said to he named Roscoe.

Micah turned as Scott entered, explaining to Stiles that he wasn't ready just yet to forgive Liam for whatever Liam did to him. If Micah recalled right, Liam had tried to kill Scott on the night if the Supermoon, it hadn't helped Theo was fueling his already angry –because of his idea– self. Micah frowned mentally.

As they headed out Micah sat in the back while Scott and Stiles were in the front. Micah hadn't slept very well the night before, staying up to think –about anything, really–, he decided that he could probably sleep now, he never slept very long in movie vehicles. But oh well.

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