Chapter 2- Start Anew

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After my talk with nanny, we sat down and had breakfast together and then, I went back to my temporary room for the last couple of weeks, grabbed all of the stuff I needed for my shower and headed to the bathroom. As I waited for the water to get hot I put some of my hair mask on so it could sit in my hair before I shampoo and condition it. I swear being natural is no joke, it's expensive as fuck but at least I'm at the stage where all I gotta do is put in some curl cream or oil and I'm good to go with some big ass curls.
The water was finally hot enough so I hopped in the shower and washed myself with my Pink Chiffon bodywash from Bath & Body Works. After a good 20 mins I hopped out and dried myself off. I went to the sink and grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste to brush my teeth after I was done, I walked out of the bathroom door just as my mom decided to knock on it.
"Hey baby girl you almost ready to head out."she said cheesing hard as fuck.
"When did you guys get here." I asked as I wrapped my towel tighter around myself.
"About 10 mins ago we were just catching up with your nanny while you finished up." she said.
"But yeah just give me about 20 more minutes to get ready." I said as I walked past her to "my room."
"Ok" she said to my back, as I just rolled my eyes at her.
I slammed the door and walked to my suitcase to find some clothes. I picked out a black nike sports bra, black boys shorts, a plain white muscle tee and some black and red tribal print nike tights and my all black huaraches But before I put any of this on I rolled some deodorant on and put on some coco butter lotion. I put some coconut oil in my hair with some castor oil and slicked my hair back into a high ponytail.
"Anaya baby you almost ready, we gotta get going it's about a 2 hour drive to get there" my mom yelled from outside the door, I just rolled my eyes at her again.
"Ok ma I'm almost ready" I yelled back. I grabbed everything of mines from off the top of the dressers and put them in my tribal print nike gym bag. I looked around the room to see if I missed anything. I finished looking around and grabbed my gym bag, nike book bag filled with my computer,tablet, beats pill and beats headphones and then grabbed my suitcases filled with my clothes and shoes.
I walked out the room and down the hall to the living room where everybody was at. I looked around and saw my. mom,stepdad, nanny, and my three bestfriends Airin, Ivory and Yazmin. As I looked at my three friends and they looked at me we all started to tear up. I dropped my bags as they got up off the couches and ran to me with their arms wide open and tears running down their faces.
"Aww shit don't yall do this to me, we too cute for this" I said to them.
"I don't know about these bitches but I'm cute no matter what I do" Yazmin said making everybody in the room laugh as she flipped her long black hair.
"Bitch I can't stand you sometimes" Airin and Ivory said at the same time.
I swear if they didn't look like night and day you would think that they were twins or something.
But these are my girls and I don't know what I would so without them.
Airin is my girl and I've known her since we were in diapers. She's tall and slim about 5'11, darkskin, with shoulder length burgundy colored hair. She's real athletic just like me we played on the softball team with me but she also played basketball, soccer, and she was on the swim team.
Ivory is the complete opposite of Airin, I met her 3 years ago as a freshman in high school she's short 5'3, white skinned girl with long lilac and black ombre hair. Now this girl is so small and so white looking, but as soon as she opens her mouth she sounds straight hood and don't let her size fool you she'll fight anyone in a heartbeat.
Yazmin now this girl is a trip, we met when she tried to bully me in the 7th grade about my weight and assumed I wasn't gonna say or do anything to her. So we became friends after we almost fought. Yaz is almost my height about 5'7 and this pretty light brown almost red skin color, long red hair to go with her fiery attitude and she has deep and prominent spanish accent.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do without my girls we've literally been through everything together from heartbreak to our friendship being tested over some petty ass bitches and fuckboy ass niggas.
"Imma miss the fuck outta yall" I said with tears rolling down my face.
"Awww ditters don't cry we love you and we'll be up there to see you asap" Airin said to me as she wiped my tears away.
"I'll call and FaceTime yall when we get there so yall can see the house and everything and ill facetime yall all the time, ok" I said to all them
" Ok" they responded back to me.
We finally let go of each other, I looked at my nanny to see her patiently waiting for us to get done and for it to be her turn. I walked up to her and hugged her like I never wanted to let go and cried on her shoulder like the big baby I am.
"I'm gonna miss you so much lil girl. You call me and come visit me every chance you get, ok."she whispered to me so only I can hear.
I'm gonna miss my nanny the most she helped raise me into the person and young woman I am today, when my mom couldn't be bothered to take care of me after my dad died. I love her so much and I couldn't imagine my life without her.
"I'm gonna miss you so much nanny, ,I love you and I'll be back soon that's a promise" I whispered back to her as I untangled myself from her arms and went to pick my bags back up.
"I'll help you out with those" Richard said to me as he went and picked up my suitcases while I got my book bag and gym bag.
"Ohh ok thanks Richard I appreciate that" I said to him.
" Ok, I think we should be on our way we've got a lil bit of a drive ahead of us" my mom said as she rose from the couch and headed for the door after she hugged nanny.
"Ok I'll be out in a sec mom, ohh and Richard can you just set my bags down by the trunk of my car" they both replied with an "ok" and left put of the door. Nanny and the girls followed my mom and Richard out of the door, talking as they left. I just wanted to be left alone in the house I was practically raised in and just make sure I don't forgot about anything in this house.
" Anaya baby come on we're ready to go" my mom yelled from the front of the house.
"Ok I'm coming out now" I said as I took one last look around before I walked out of the creek door and over to my baby, my car which was a 1967 Camaro SS convertible. This car was my grandpa's, then my dad's, now it's mine and I keep it so pristine you'd think it just came off the assembly line. Its a glossy black with pearly white racer stripes going down the hood of the car, with an all black interior. I love this car and nobody drives it but me because it's one of the only things I have that reminds me of my dad and the bond we had. But talking about him is a story for another time and place.
" Ok Anaya you can follow us to the house it's gonna take a min, ok" I replied back to my mom with an "ok" as I put all my luggage in the trunk of my car and hopped in with my sunglasses on the top of my head.
My nanny and friends all stood outside waving bye to us as we pulled out of the driveway, I pulled down my aviators so they couldn't see the tears rolling down from my eyes and then we cruised down the same street me and my mom have lived on all of our lives.

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