Chapter 4:Moving In

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      " Ok well welcome to our new home baby. I promise you're gonna love it" my mom said nervously as I walked up to her with Richard trailing behind me.
     "Yeah I'm sure I will, it's big is it just us three thats going to be living here" I ask them as I slowly walk around and look at all the rooms that are in the front of the house anyway.
        "Yeah its just us, however there will be a cleaning lady who comes in 3 days a week and a chef once in a while just in case me, you, and Sabrina don't feel like cooking" Richard said as he and my mom trailed behind me as I walked through the dining room to the kitchen.
       Now this is what I'm talking about as I walked around the kitchen which was humongous and gorgeous touching all the shiny new appliances. There was a white marbled island in the center with cherry wood cabinets, it had a connected L-shaped bench with a small table and two extra chairs pushed up to it. The outer counter and the cabinets above wrapped all around the kitchen only being separated by the a window,a sink, a stove,a microwave and a fridge . The fridge had to be one of my absolute favorites because the outside of it looked like it was made of cherry wood also. Now if it's one thing you gotta know about me it's that I love to cook, I basically live in the kitchen it's my safe haven for whenever I'm in my feelings happy, mad, sad or whatever I'm going through I come to the kitchen and cook.
     " I knew you'd love this room but let's go see the rest of the house I'm sure you'll love a couple of other rooms" my mom said as her and Richard shared a hopeful look and a quick kiss before walking through a swinging door set off in a corner of the kitchen.
       I walked behind them and was met with the living room which was painted in a cream white with accents of black and  dark red. The sofas, chair and love seats were white, with a deep red almost black wood finish with little rugs spread about. There was a table in the middle of the room with a vase of flowers and the middle, paintings were spread all along the walls and endtables were placed by the furniture with lamps on them. There was a TV set up on the back wall, with an entertainment center underneath with all the gadgets a girl could ever love.
      "Well this is the living room obviously, the den/game room is to the left, Richard's office is right here to the right, there's a small library right there, and just a little further back we've got a guest room set up for nanny" mom said as we walked down this long hallway past the staircase and she pointed to each room we passed.
      I poked my head into each room quickly just to get a quick peak at them, they were all some nice ass rooms.
     "Wait mom how come nanny's room is downstairs and all the way back here" I stopped and asked her with an attitude as I crossed my arms and waited for her to answer.
       "Well we didn't want her to have to walk up and down the stairs all the time and it's quiet back here just how she likes it, but I do know one thing if you don't drop the attitude imma smack the shit out of you, you hear me little girl" my mom said to me. I don't know when Richard left us but he wasn't in the hallway with us as we turned back around and went into the foyer right in front of the staircase.
      "I hope you left that attitude in that hallway before I show you your room" I just kept quiet."Ok that's what I thought" she said as she started to walk up the stairs.
      "So me and Richard thought we'd give you a lil privacy so your room is all the way down here to the left" she told me we walked down this long ass hallway and stopped in front of a door. My mom turned to look at me waiting for me to open the door and go in.
      I opened the door and loved my room, all it needed was a few touches to really make it scream Anaya.
       The walls were painted a deep red color but one of the walls had white and black colorblock alongside the red, my floor had a wood finish that matched the floor in the living room downstairs with rugs placed around it. My bed was a giant queen sized bed set on top of what looked like a giant black wooden block, with a black headboard, and a black, red, and white comforter set and a chest sat at the end of the table. Right across from my bed was a tv mounted on the wall and a white entertainment set with glass doors that held a Xbox one and Playstation 4 dresser, by that was my mini fridge. My furniture set was a glossy black 5 piece set with 3 dressers placed strategically around the room and two endtables by the sides of my bed with lamps. There was a black wood bookcase beside a red desk and black chair with wheels with a Dell desktop computer and printer on it, an overhead lamp, and a corkscrew bulletin board sat on the wall above it all. There were three doors in various places in the room, I didn't know where two of them led, but the third door was a fogged glass and looked like it led to a balcony. I just walked around in shock touching everything.
      "Wow mom you did good, you did real good" I told her cheesing hard.
       "Actually you should be thanking Richard he's the one who went to your nanny and friends and asked them what you like or don't like" my mom was saying as Richard walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her a kiss on her cheek.
      "Thanks Richard it's beautiful and I appreciate the effort" I said to him as I walked up to him and gave him a hug.
      I know what you're thinking, why is she hugging him I thought she didn't like him. But you're wrong Richard's alright, it's just the situation with me moving and leaving my entire life behind that's what I didn't like and was fucked up.
     "No problem Anaya, just wanted to make sure that you'll be comfortable" he said to me returning the hug.
     " Ok well you have your bed and underneath are some drawers just press and they'll slide open. You've got you desk, bookcase and some other things. Through that door over there is your own private bathroom, and over there is your walk-in closet." he continued talking as I walked over to each one and looked through them.
      The bathroom looked amazing did in black and white mosaic tile with a white clawfoot bathtub, a spacious shower, a deep square black sink, and the toilet which was set apart from everything else in its own little room with a door.
      The walk-in closet was huge the front part of it was where I could hang my clothes. The middle had shelves where I could place my shoes and drawers to put any jewelry or trinkets. At the very back of the closet it was just open space for me to put anything back there, that's where the rest of my suitcases and boxes were that were brought to the house earlier today.
       There was a post-it on the wall from the men who helped me put in a secret safe for some personal items I needed to keep hidden my mom and richard. I'm assuming neither one of them has gone in my closet lately because they didn't question me about the note.
      "Ok well I think you're all set, so me and your mom are gonna leave you to settle in. Also I placed the rest of your things on your bed and me and your mom got you a lil something, it's right there with the rest of your stuff" Richard told me as him and my mom were walking out my door.
     "Ohh and Anaya you can just call me Rich if you want to" he said as he closed the door to my new room.
      "Ok thanks again Rich" I yelled from my side of the door.
       I went back to the closet and grabbed the biggest suitcase, I flipped it open, threw all of the clothes out of it and went to rip the loose stitching at the bottom. I grabbed my jewelry, about 10 stacks of all hundreds, and my first loves my guns 2 black and gold Beretta M9 9MM, and 2 gloc 9s alongside 10 extra clips for each gun with box's of bullets. After I made sure everything was inside I secured my safe and slid my suitcase back in front of it. I'll explain why I have all of this later on, just wait on it.
      I walked out of the closet and beelined for my bed to check out my gift. I saw it under my gym bag, I looked into the bag and saw the box for the new IPhone 7 Plus the Rose Gold one to replace my galaxy S6. Also in the bag was a new pair of black suede red bottom heels, a MK rose gold jewelry set with a watch, two bracelets, and some studs.
     I started to set up my new phone so I could FaceTime the girls before I go to bed. After everything was good to go I FaceTime all the girls and showed them my room and they oohed and awwed over it.
      After I was done talking to the girls, I just laid in my bed looking at the ceiling for a long time and drifted off to sleep hoping for a better day tomorrow.

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