Chapter 5: 2nd Encounter

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            The lovely Anaya played by my secret love and Phoenix played by Stephan James otherwise known as daddy😍💦🍆😂


             I was staring down at my schedule, the map and looking around all at once to find my classroom when I bumped into someone. I was about to apologize when I heard a squeaky voice just like the girl from the gas station bathroom.
"Watch where the fuck you're going bitch" she yelled, actually more liked squeaked at me when she wasn't even the one I bumped into.
"Imma apologize and keep it pushin, because if I don't yo lil friend about to get dragged" I said not even paying her any mind because I was already heated by that bitch comment. I finally looked up and saw this fine ass white boy. He had nice natural tan skin, long dirty blonde hair shaved in the back and on the sides and pulled up into a bun,he had on a short sleeved button shirt and cargo shorts on that showed off all his tattoes. He was so goddamn fine I was just waiting for him to give me any sign that I could throw this thang on him real quick, but I'm not a hoe so imma calm down.
"You good ma don't pay her any mind, she ain't nobody" he said while flashing his pearly whites at me. There's nothing better than a cute guy with pretty teeth that's a definite turn on for me.By the way I'm Dominic, what's yours?"
"It's all good but you know we have a leash law in Ohio right, so next time keep your lil pet locked up" I said avoiding his question and looking dead at her ass while she was mugging the fuck out of me. I was just hoping for that bitch to feel froggy and say or do something so I could beat her ass real quick.
" I'll remember that for next time" he said with a big ass smile on his face, that instantly put a big smile on my face. Ohh wee he's so goddamn fine it don't make no sense at all.
I don't know how long we just stood there and smiled at each other but I know it had to be for a minute because the next thing I know he's being pulled away from me by that bitch with the excuse that the bell rang and they need to head to class. I watched him start to be dragged away by her, but not before he pulled out of her grip to talk to me real quick.
"Ayy what's yo name? I never caught it" he asked.
"That's because I never threw it your way" I said with a wink and walked away from him. Maybe this new school won't be to bad after all. Ok but now that that's over let me see what class I have first.
I walked around this unknown ass building where my class is supposed to be at for about 10 mins searching for my first class which was AP Physics. I finally found a room that looked like it could be the right class. I took a deep breath, I grabbed the handle, opened the door and walked in and watched as all eyes fell on me, like damn can I have my face back.
"Well hello you must be our new student Anaya, I'm Mr.Ronski your teacher, let me see your paperwork so I can get you set up in my system and you can just introduce yourself to your peers". Ughhh I hate when teachers want you to introduce yourself. I turned away from him and just looked over everybody in the class. I knew already that I was gonna have some problems out of some of these hoes in this class by the way they was mugging me and whispering to they lil friends.
"Hey yall my name is Anaya Grant, I'm 18 and from Cleveland". As I stood there waiting for Mr.Ronski to finish up I looked over the class some more and saw that rude bitch from earlier, with that girl and guy from the gas station sitting in the back. That sexy ass boy was with them along with another guy who had his hoodie up and head down, but I peeped that he was tatted asf just by looking at his hands. I was pulled from my thoughts by the teacher as he handed me my things I would need for the class and told me to choose any available seat. There were only two seats open one by hoodie boy and the other by this big buff jock type that was looking at me with lust in his eyes, so I chose the lesser of two evils and walked to the seat by hoodie boy. As I was walking I felt numerous of the boys in the rooms eyes on my ass, like they've never seen a girl that's got ass before. I finally reached my seat you know the one very far away from that testosterone idiot. I sat down and immediately pulled out my phone, not really caring about this class at the moment because as soon as Mr.Ronski started back teaching I could tell they were a lesson or two behind my old physics class. I was so focused on my phone that I didn't realize that I still had most of the students in the back attention, when I finally pulled my eyes from my phone I saw them staring my chocolate ass down, like damn can I live without yall lil beady eyes on me. I turned back to my phone just as it vibrated, it was a new follow request from my instagram. I took a quick peek, paying attention to the name only and saw that it was just a another nigga probably tryna slide into a bitches DMs with his thirsty ass. Not even paying it any mind, I put my phone screen down on my desk and decide to actually pay attention to this lesson.
             Finally after an hour of pure torture on Newtons laws of motion, the bell rang before Mr.Ronski could finish telling us what the homework was. I waited till the classroom was almost clear before I got my ass up and left. I was looking down at my schedule when I bumped into somebody, damn don't I just have all the luck today. I looked up and it was hoodie boy and he was looking down at me,I think so anyway because he had on sunglasses and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. But let me just say I didn't need to see his eyes to know he was glaring at me hard, like I was supposed to be afraid of him or something.
We just stood there staring at each other, when he finally decided to speak. "Maybe next time watch where the fuck you're going." he said in a deep smooth voice. Let me tell you if I wasn't ready to pop off on him for thinking he could talk to me like that, I probably would have got wet just from his voice.
"You see I don't know why people at this school think they gonna just talk to me any type of way, but I see imma just have to keep setting muthafuckas straight." I mumbled more to myself than to him, but I guess he didn't see it that way because the next thing I know I'm being pushed into the lockers behind me and held back by a pair of strong hands on my shoulders.
At this moment I'm thinking "ohhh no this nigga ain't putting his hands on me." I was in shock for a moment, but that was enough time for him to lean down closer to my ear. I felt his cool breath on the side of my face.
           "You might be new, but don't think you can't get fucked up like everybody else." he whispered so only I could hear because unfortunately we had started to attract a crowd. My inner voices were having a fucking field day in my head, you know the voices where you gotta decide to be classy and walk away or show them who the fuck they messing with. And take a wild fucking guess at which voice won, cause this nigga had me fucked all the way up.
               "Awww that's cute you thought yo lil threat was gonna have me shook, but you see I'm the type of bitch that'll never be scared of a nigga like you." I whispered back to him as I ran my fingers up and down his chest and let me tell you baby those abs were solid. He was still glaring at me but not as intensely as before. I stepped my game up a little bit and trailed my fingers up to his tattooed neck and I knew I had him just where I wanted him.
               "You know what?" I asked making my voice just a lil deeper, so it gave off this sultry vibe. "What?" He asked leaning in closer to me. I brought his face even closer to mine, so close that our lips were almost touching and looked up at him from hooded eyes. His eyes started to close a lil bit and I bit my lip as he let out a low groan, so low I know I was the only one who could have possibly even heard him since our crowd was still watching for some reason.
              I pecked the corner of him lips."You really should watch who the fuck you put your hands on but good game,wrong bitch." I said as I kneed him in the stomach and slammed his head against the lockers. He fell to the ground clutching his head, where a bruise was already starting to form. I stepped over him and started to walked away. I looked over my shoulder and saw him slowly get up while glaring at me the whole time. I winked and sent a small smirk his way just to let him know he fucked with the wrong one today.

Well it's been a while and believe me I've see all of the comments and I'm sorry it took so long but I've been working full time and going to school full time so I've had no time whatsoever to update but I've got a lil free time in these next couple of days so hopefully I can give you guys what you want which is a couple of chapters so just wait on it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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