Chapter 3- 1st Encounter

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      We've been driving for about an hour and a half and my mom just called to tell me that they need to stop for gas and then after that we should only be like another 10 mins out. That's fine by me I've had to use the bathroom for like the last 20 mins.
      I see Richard and my mom pulling up into this Speedway so I pull into a parking spot also and slowly get out of the car to make my way inside to use the bathroom.
     As I'm about to go inside my mom calls out and asks where I'm going and I tell her. I finally get inside the bathroom and as I'm washing my hands somebody's pounding on the door.
     "Hold on I'm almost done damn" I yell to whoevers out there.
       "Hurry the hell up, bitch" some hoe yells through the door in a squeaky high pitched voice and all I can think is who the hell is she talking to because she's not talking to me. I just stand there drying my hands off slowly with a paper towel, I even check my hair and outfit out just because I'm that petty.
     As soon as I turn the knob to open the door it's yanked out of my hand by some dark haired girl who shoves me out the way to get into the bathroom. I don't say anything to her because maybe she just becomes a bitch when she has to go real bad, so imma be quiet.
      I was just gonna head back to my car but then I thought about it and I don't know what the hell Richard has at his house so imma just but me some stuff now.
    I grab to big bags of hot cheetos, salt n vinegar chips, a snickers, twix, kikat, some chicken and beef  noodles, a pepsi,sprite, dr.pepper, three gatorades and a pint of Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream and a pint of butter pecan and mint chocolate chip ice cream.
       I'm so glad I had my mini fridge moved into my room at the new house. As I went up to pay for my stuff people were giving me strange looks and the cashier looked at me like I'm crazy and I'm looking at her like bitch if you don't just do your job.
        "Ok your total is $46.57" the cashier told me as I pulled my debit card from my wallet and swiped it. I grabbed my bags then my receipt and started to head for the doors there was a couple people behind me but I hadn't payed them any mind until this one white girl who was standing next to this guy who looked like her boyfriend thought she was slick and mumbled that I was a fat ass bitch. I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around and walked right up to her.
       "Excuse me but could you repeat what you just said" as I got all up in her face. She started to turn red in the face a lil bit because she knew she just got caught. I guess she wasn't brave enough to say it to my face because she was stuttering and tripping over her words to come up with a good lie.
      As I turned to walk away I guess her little friend had some balls because he repeated what she said
      "She called you a fat ass bitch, now what you gon do about it" he said in a loud voice for everybody in line to hear. Ohh ok he wanna get loud I guess I can get loud too.
       "Ok look you don't know me so the next time yo bitch ass wanna try to embarrass somebody make sure it's somebody who don't know that they the shit you little limp dick, fingers in the booty ass bitch" I said all up in his face as it got redder and redder.
       "Ohh yeah and the next time you wanna talk shit about somebody make sure you're woman enough to speak up bitch" I told the girl as I walked out of the door and back to my car.
      As I was putting everything away a car pulled into the spot next to mine and let me tell you this car was sexy not as sexy as mine but close, it was the newest version of my car a 2016 Camaro SS.
      Just as I hopped into my car the window was rolled down partially and in the drivers seat was this white boy I assumed but all I could see was his dark brown hair and a tattooed hand and arm because he was flicking out a cigarette. But all I know is somebody has good taste in cars.
        " Anaya come on we're ready to head to go" my mom yelled at me from three parking spots over.
        "Ok damn" I said to myself as I started the car and listened to my car as she rumbled and purred at the same time.
     I was backing out of my spot I swear I could feel eyes on me, but as I looked around while I waited for Richard to pull out of his spot I couldn't see anybody that looked particularly interested in me.
      As I was about to turn onto the road, I looked back one more time to see the guy in the camaro had his head peeking out of his window and was looking staight at my car but I couldn't really get a good look at him.
        As I continued to drive behind Richard and my mom I couldn't help but to shiver a little bit even tho the sun is beating down on me and I have a bead of sweat running down the back of my neck as I remembered camaro guys dark eyes trained on me.
      I saw Richard's car pull into the driveway of this beautiful brick 2 story house with a three door garage and a beautiful rock fountain surrounded by these big colorful flowers and bushes.
      My mom and Richard got out of his white range rover and my mom called me over while he was getting there bags from the trunk.
       "Ok honey this is it, this is our new home" she said to me while she put her arm around my shoulders.
        "It's nice I'll give him that at least he knows how to pick a house"  I say to my mom."Good job Richard it looks good as fuck" I called out to him while he was pulling mom's louis vuitton suitcases out. "Thanks" I heard him call out quickly.
         "Well imma go and get my stuff out my car I'll be back in a sec" I tell her as I run off to pop my trunk and get everything out real quick. I go to my passenger side and saw all these bags plus my suitcases so I just opened up my gym bag and placed all my food and goodies in there
         As I walked to the back of my car again to close my trunk I see a camaro pull up into the driveway across the street. And I recognize it as the same one from the gas station, hmm what a coincidence I think to myself. I'm walking towards the house when I hear the same high pitched squeaky ass voice from the gas station and I turn around to see the brunette from before getting out from the passenger side of the car.
      " Anaya come on hurry up" my mom called me just as the driver was getting out. I was right he is a white boy and he's tatted up forreal. I can't really see his face just a side view but that's good enough. His jaw line is really defined, he has a gauge in his ear and his chocolate brown hair is tapered on the sides and a curly mess on the top of his head.
        I guess he heard my mom call for me because 10 seconds later he looks over here and catches me looking at him and then he winks at me. I turn around and continue to walk to the house.
       As I turn back around to look one last time he's still staring at me and the brunette who's latched onto his arm like a leech is glaring at me. I wink at her just as Richard is closing the door but not before I hear her irritated screech and I just walk up to my mom in the foyer smiling like nothing ever happened.

Ok so two chapter in one day I'm so happy I finally got somewhere with this story
   So I'm on a little self implemented break so expect another chapter or two up in the next couple of hours And this are about to get real real

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