Chapter 3: Well that explains it...sorta?

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When I awoke I noticed it was around mid afternoon, yawning I sat up and slid off the bed and made my way tobth door, passing the mirror I paused and stepped back looking at my reflection. "I look like hell." I said aloud to myself, taking in my ruffled up and knotty hair, my wrinkled clothing and the red lines from my bedspread on my arms, I should really take a shower, do I even have running water? God I hope I do. Contuining( as you can see I'm great at spelling) my way tobth door I opened it and headed to the adjacent door and opened it, taking in the dirty and old bathroom I headed to the bath and tested out the handle, turning and turning and oh great, just what I needed no wat-oh god its brown, looking disgusted as the water that was being pooled into the tub was a dirty, dark brown. Turning the handle to the left to turn it off I unplugged the drain and watched as the water drained down slowly, swirling into the drain.
"Alright, let's try this again." I said to myself, pushing back my hair from obscuring my vision I turned the handle and watched as the water sputters out brown water and clear water, smiling triumphal as the water turned and stayed clear water, running my hand under the nozzle I felt the cold water run ahaiomy fingers, turning the handle next to the first one it slowly got warmer until the tub was filling up with steamy water, not too jot to burn me but hot enough to feel nice. Turning the handle off once the tub was filled about halfway I went back to my room to grab a towel that I had packed in my bag, along with the shampoo and conditioner in their airport mandatory travel bottles and a small bar of soap and my razor for you know, shaving. Going back to the bathroom I closed the door behind me and started to strip, laying my clothes on the counter top and filling into the bathtub. laying back I felt the water wash over me, closing my eyes and just relaxing. They weren't lying when thy said that moving took a lot out of you. Grabbing my shampoo I began to rub my hair and scalp with scent of lavender.

After the bath I got dressed into some clothes, consisting of a pair of sweatpants and long sleeved shirt and of course socks. Walking down the stairs I noticed q note on the front door, confused I walked over and took it off the wood and read it.

Sorry for intruding but you didn't answer the door so I took the liberty of coming in. I hooked up the house to the power lines and connected the house back onto the grid, there should be a bill coming in a few days so expect that. I would call a plumber to fix the pipes, seem to be rusted but I'm just the electric guy. Anyways again sorry for intruding.

              -electric company

Putting the note on the table I checked the light switch and flipped it on, smiling at light came into the room from the bulbs. Turning the lights off I went to go back upstairs to finish unpacking when I noticed a book laying on the floor, waling over I picked it up and dusted off the cover. In cursive was written the name of my great grandmother and underneath it was the word diary. Flipping open the diary I looked at the date, 1936, she must have been 15, considering she was born in 1921. (Someone who is good at math tell me if I am wrong) reading the entry I leaned against the wall.

December 14, 1936

My father gave me this diary today, informing me to write down the days events as I see them. As of today I have truly happy, yesterday father and mother held a party for a early Christmas since most of our family and friends come from the outer banks of France and cannot make it on Christmas day. I met this boy today, he is two years older than I am, he asked me to dance and I said yes. He told me his name is Francis and that his father is very good friends with my mother, I told him my name and that I live here. Francis has very beautiful blue eyes, its almost indescribable the color of them. He also has wavy long blonde hair, it suits him very well. After we danced I took him outside to the fountain and showed him the rose bushes surrounding the fountain. He told me that even the most beautiful rose cannot compete to me, somehow I couldn't stop smiling when he said that. He truly makes me happy. When he had to leave I was sad but he told me that we would meet again. I must go now, mother is calling me for dinner.

Finishing off the entry I closed the diary, staring at the cover I couldn't help but feel remorse for him, never being able to grow with her. I took the diary up to my room and put it on the table next to my bed. Sitting on my bed I felt this heavy weight on my chest, placing my hand over my heart I didn't why this was happening, why do I feel such pain for someone my great grandmother once knew? Could it be that she loved him too? Or possibly that he died young while she lived a long life? Sighing in frustration I got back up and started to unpack the luggage of clothing and small items.

I sat in front of the mirror in my room, brushing my hair back into a ponytail I felt a cold chill run up my spine, turning around I gasped some, I saw him standing there. He leaned down slightly and held out a rose in between his fingers, I looked at it and hesitantly took it,I marveled at it beauty, I have never seen a rose quite like this before. I looked back up at him but before I could say anything he was gone. I placed the rose down on the tabnle and turned off the light and climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over myself and turned over, curling up I closed my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips as I fell into slumber.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, hopefully I can get back I to the rhythm of writing again. Anyways sorry for the hiatus, I apologize.

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