Chapter 9: Music

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After I finished dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen and sat back down at the kitchen table. I thought over what had happened previously with Francis, not knowing that those rumors had that effect on him. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair and thought over how I could apologize. Of course I didn't believe those rumors, it was just a new perspective, a theory that was waiting to be proven right or wrong. I got up from the table and went upstairs, thinking that a good night sleep would help think of some apology for Francis. I walked up the stairs, feeling the weight of the conversation from before take its toll. My body became more sluggish as I trudged up the stairs, feeling as if my feet were weighed down by concrete slabs. I made it to the top and gripped the railing as I slowly walked to my room, the edges of my vision becoming blurry, the colors if the walls and the carpet meshing together as I rocked on my feet, the world spinning faster before me. The railing slipped from my grasp as I tumbled to the floor, I blinked slowly, my eyelids feeling as if they had cement casing on them. The last thing I saw was a blotched figure appearing and walking towards me.
   Blinking slowly, overcoming the state of unconsciousness, I looked around and saw that I was in my room. Groaning I closed my eyes again, wishing for the pain in my head to go away, the persistent throbbing against my skull was unbearable. Thinking over what had happened, I tried to remember what made me lose consciousness in the first place. Maybe I was that tired and didn't realize it? Or had I eaten something bad? I couldn't place it. Sighing softly as I raised myself up in bed, putting my back flat against the headboard. Reopening my eyes to look out the window, I took note of the ever slow sunset on the horizon. At least I wasn't out for that long, maybe a couple of hours at best. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I made an attempt to get up but was stopped as the image of Francis came into view. Looking up at him, he gave a weary smile.
"I came to apologize behavior earlier, I did not mean to cause you any harm, I only wished for you to see what had happened that night." He looked to the side and took in a shuddering breath. "Please forgive me for my ill intentions." I looked up at him and gave a soft smile, of course I'd forgive him, he's a spirit who wasn't granted enteral peace.
"Francis," I started, waiting for him to look at me. His eyes slowly met mine. "I was a bit scared at first, but I understand, I would be infuriated if someone took rumors as the truth. But I do forgive you, you didn't mean to come off as so distraught and angry, I knew you meant no harm." At that statement, Francis gave a soft smile and made to grasp my hand but it moved right through me. He gave a soft chuckle and bowed slightly instead.
"Thank you, ma chérie. That truly means a lot to me." He stood back up fully and clasped his hands together. "Now, I suggest you get more rest, you took a nasty fall earlier and I wish nothing but for you to get better."
"But I already slept for a few hours." Francis simply tsked and shook his head, much like a scolding mother would.
"Just a few more hours is all I ask for. Now," he hovered his hands over my shoulders in the motion for me to lay down. "Get some more rest." I rolled my eyes and fully laid down back in the bed, pulling the covers over me. Francis gave a small smile and nodded once.
"I shall see you in a few hours." And with that he dematerialized out of the room and I was left alone. Well, a few more hours couldn't hurt. I got comfy against the pillows and closed my eyes, feeling the pull of sleep tugging me into its arms.

   When I awoke, it was from the sound of the wind rustling the curtains from the window. Rubbing my eyes with tired hands, I stretched out my legs and arms, a yawn escaping my lips. Looking towards the window, I noticed that the sun had completely went down and only left dark reds and purples left in the sky. Getting up, I made my way into the hallway and down the stairs. Stifling another yawn, I made it to the bottom of the staircase, feeling around for the light switch which I knew was around here som-ah there it is. Flipping on the switch, the light flickered a few times before remaining on completely. Walking into the kitchen, I made myself some tea, going into the cabinets and grabbing a mug. Sitting on the counter, I waited for the water to boil.
As I waited, I swung my legs gently, my heels hitting the cabinets with a soft thump. The only sounds in the kitchen were the stoves flames, the soft thumps of my heels against the cabinets and the wind rustling the trees outside. I stared at the wall ahead of me, my thoughts obstructing everything else. The way Francis was acting before, was odd to say the least. He seemed almost happy that I accepted his apology, like he was knowing that I wouldn't be mad at him. It's not that I don't trust him, it's more along the lines that his behavior seems to be different.
I was brought out of my thoughts from the loud and persistent whistling of the tea kettle. I quickly got down from the counter and turned off the stove. I grabbed a tea packet from the small jar that held different types, pulling out a peppermint tea I ripped open the packet and placed the bag into the mug, pouring the hot water into the mug. Inhaling the scent of the minty tea brought a smile onto my face as I let it brew in the mug. Reaching into the cabinet, I grabbed the bottle of honey. After taking out the teabag, I poured some honey and mixed it up well. Taking my mug, I sat back on the counter and took a few sips, closing my eyes briefly as the sharp taste hit my tongue.
  Before I could open my eyes, I felt the air shift from warm to unnaturally cold. A small smile tugged at my lips, knowing what caused the atmospheric shift.
"Hey Francis." Reopening my eyes, I was met with the presence of Francis, who was standing near the kitchen table, who looked happy to see me.
"Hello ma chérie, how are you feeling?" He asked, stepping closer to me. I gave a slight hum.
"I'm feeling better, thanks." He smiled softly and came to rest beside me, his body somehow not fazing through the counter. I glanced over at him and noticed he was looking around the kitchen area, a fairway look in his eyes.
"It still looks the same." He looked up at me, "Thank you for not changing it drastically." I gave a small nod and smile.
"Of course, it's a beautiful house, there's nothing to change besides a few rotted floorboards and broken windows." Francis gave a small chuckle and agreed with me.
"This house has certainly seen better days, I remember all the parties that were held here. It was truly magnificent, a fairytale in its prime." He looked at the ceiling, a pain in his eyes. "But even the most beautiful fairytales have tragic endings." I gripped my mug tighter and looked at Francis as he continued to stare at the ceiling, there was nothing I could do or say that could him feel better, how could you comfort a ghost that was murdered and forgotten about?
"Francis.." I started slowly, making sure he heard me. He gave a hum of acknowledgement and turned to look at me, the pain was still clear in his eyes just not as evident as before.
"I know this probably don't mean much..but I'll try my best to make sure you find the peace you deserve, no one should have to roam this Earth without consolation." He gave a weak smile and leaned closer to me, mimicking resting his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you ma chérie..that truly means a lot to me, and I do fully appreciate it." Smiling, I finished off the rest of my tea and put it in the sink to wash later. Getting off the counter, I faced Francis.
"You know what usually makes me feel better?" He gave a slight cock of his head, inquiring that I go on. "Music." A slow smile spread across his features.
"Ah like Mozart?" Chuckling, I shook my head.
"Not exactly. Let me get my phone and I'll show you." Leaving the room and quickly running the stairs, I grabbed my phone and charger and went back downstairs, to where Francis was waiting in the living area.
"What sort of music is this?" He asked as I sat down on the couch and came next to me.
"All different types, well start off with some Pink Floyd, it's a little more close to what you're used to." Getting on YouTube, I played Echoes by them. Placing the phone down on the coffee table, I looked at Francis as the song played, gauging his reaction. He seemed a little put off from it, but as the music flowed more he seemed to get into more, tapping hit foot lightly to the beat.
  As the song neared its end, I paused it.
"So?" He gave a small shrug.
"It's alright I suppose, it's definitely different." A pause. "Are there more?" Giving a small laugh I looked through my library of songs.
"Oh there's definitely more!" I said excitedly. This is not how I expected my nigh to go. I didn't expect to be showing a almost 100 year old ghost sublime and panic at the disco. Man, moving to France is one weird turn after another.

Hey guys, I'm not dead! So sorry for the long delay, had writers block and I didn't want to give you guys a shitty chapter. I will try to update faster :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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