Chapter 5: Some Consultation

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After the encounter with Francis things have been more quiet, I've stopped seeing him around the house, the nightmares stopped and the feeling of being watched diminished quite a bit. I've gotten used to the feeling of being watched, since I knew Francis wasn't there to harm me and if he was he would've done it when I first got here. But after not hearing or seeing him for a few days, I began to feel lonely. Sure I called my friends and video chatted with a few of them, I wasn't lonely in the communication sense, it was more of seeing someone and being able to talk face to face instead of through a computer screen. It was odd that I missed having Francis around, seeing as he was a spirit, but I found it odd how he just..stopped. So after some careful thinking I decided to seek him out, which was proving harder than expected.
   I walked down the halls of the house, going to he place where I first met Francis. As I neared the portrait I couldn't help but wonder how it ever became this way, how it went from being scared of this ghost and now I'm seeking him out. Nonetheless I stopped in front of the portrait and took a breath.
"Francis? Are..are you here?" I asked out to the air, hoping for a response. Moments went by and nothing happened. "You know I'm not scared of you right? That whole incident didn't make me frightful of you." Looking around the area if the hallway I sighed a bit, nothing happened still. "I'm serious Francis, you don't scare me," turning around to leave I came face to face with him. Jumping back in slight fear and shock I held my hand over my beating heart. He raised an eyebrow at me and merely rolled his eyes. "Okay that time I was scared..but I'm not anymore." He gave me a look like I was lying but then brushed it off.
"Where did you go?" I asked after a brief moment of silence.
"I was thinking I suppose...I didn't want to bother you." He said, it was odd to hear him speak. It wasn't distorted like you'd think a ghost voice would be, it sounded human, well I guess it would be since he was human once, but there was lingering after effect, it was just a voice and nothing more.
"Thinking about what?" He shrugged a bit and started walking down the hall. I quickly followed him.
"Nothing of importance...just memories I suppose..." He looked as if he wanted to say something but held it back.
"What is it?" I pressed him to answer. He stopped walking and turned to face me, he wore a solemn look and he reached his hand out to lightly play with a strand of my hair.
"It's just look so much like your great's remarkable." The hand that held some of my hair let go and cupped my cheek instead. "The same eyes, the same're beautiful just like her." I blushed slightly at his words, everyone always said we looked alike, but people rarely said I was beautiful like her. Suddenly he pulled away from me, as if my skin had burned him. "I'm sorry..I shouldn't have said that."
"Hey it's okay." I reassured him with a smile, "I understand, I really do." He returned my smile with some hesitance. He continued to walk the hallway as I followed next to him.
"Francis?" I asked, he hummed in acknowledgment. "Did you marry my great grandmother?"
"Non..I loved her greatly but my life was ended a few years after I met her. I never got to marry her, that awful British lard did." He replied with slight anger.
"You knew Arthur?" I asked him and he nodded.
"I suspected that it was him who killed me, or at least had me killed. We've known each other for years and he was always trying to outdo me in everything. When he heard I was courting [Great Grandmothers Name] he promptly tried to do so as well. Obviously he was so intent on having her, he would kill me for her." He sighed and stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down the steps of mahogany.
"I'm so sorry to hear that Francis, I never knew that."
"Well I presume both of your great grandparents never talked about it mentioned me. I wouldn't want my grandkids to know that I killed a man out of jealously and a prideful personality."
"That's still awful what happened to you, you shouldn't have died just because Arthur wanted to be better than you." Francis smiled a bit.
"I'm glad you seem to think so." He walked down the stairs and I followed him. He walked past the kitchen and towards the back door where the garden was.
"Did....did they ever find your body, Francis?" I asked, but I quickly apologized for the rude question. He chucked sadly.
"Non it's okay and no..they never did. I suppose that's why I'm still here." He gave a sad, small smile and phased through the door out to the garden, again I followed.
We walked around the small hedges of rose bushes and petunias, other flowers mingled in. Francis stepped into a small gazebo, the once white wood was now rotted away, the elements ruining the wood and paint.
"This was always my favorite spot to be whenever I visited your great grandmother." He smiled. "She loved it out here just as much as I did." I sat down on the small, wooden bench that was there. Francis did the same, I guess he could choose when he wanted to phase through objects.
"It is beautiful out here." I said smiling softly, Francis just nodded. "I have another question for you."
"Oui? What is it?" He answered.
"When we first met, you kissed me and afterwards I got weak and fell unconscious. Why was that?" He looked at me a bit nervously.
"Well you see..I was taking some of your energy to remain this's how you can see me now." He replied. I gave him a strange look.
"Then how did I manage to see you beforehand?"
"I drained what little power you had on your cellular device to communicate with you. Energy coming from a real person is more potent and strong than that of electricity. I don't know why it is, it just so happens to be that way." He explained to me, I nodded, understanding it.
"So that's why the power flickers on and off and my phone dies faster now." He simply nodded.
"I do have a request of you, since we're on this subject." I looked at him fully and nodded. "Could I possibly..kiss you again?" I blushed and looked down.
"I uh..-"
"It's okay if you don't want to," he rushed out, "it's just that the amount of your energy could help me stay solid for a few days without using any electricity." I paused for a moment and thought about what he said. It's not like he would be hurting me at all, and it's just one kiss, I won't die or anything. I sighed and gave a small nod.
"Alright then..if it'll help you." Francis smiled and got closer to me.
"Merci, [Your Name]." Francis cupped my cheek with one of his hands and brought my face closer to his. I blushed at the close proximity especially as his lips came in contact with mine. His lips moved against mine in a sweet and delicate kiss. I quickly felt the effects of the kiss take place, my shoulders slumping slightly as my energy was depleted. Francis gripped the back of my head, his hand tangling in my hair as he brought me closer to him, the kiss soon becoming feverish and almost desperate. I weakly tried to pull away, but to not avail seeing as my energy was almost fully gone.
"Francis.." I mumbled out and he slowly pulled away. He blushed in slight embarrassment.
"I am so sorry [your name], I got a little ahead of myself there." I smiled tiredly and fell forward, expecting to land on the bench but instead two arms wrapped around me and I fell into a chest instead. Francis picked me up and carried me back inside, up the stairs and into my room. He laid me down on my bed and pulled the covers over me. He kissed my forehead and smiled softly.
"Sleep now, I will see you when you wake." Nodding a bit I got comfortable and fell into a deep slumber. Things certainly took a turn than expected, then again I am living with a ghost. Not many things can be predictable when living with one.

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