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The bubble tea date was finally over, and the two were back after a couple of hours. How did I know? My friend the clock, who was in love with Phil, was across them on from me. I could read the time on her. Quite convenient if I do say so myself.

She could have Phil all he wants, but she'd be lucky to get him before I kill him.

That's right, my only mission in this eternal life time as non-living material was to assassinate Philip Lester.

Dan entered the room and turned me on but I wouldn't spin. I was to angry with him, and he groaned, picking up his phone.

"Hello? Is this Connie?" Dan asked, and regret built up inside of me. Connie was the gorgeous land lord, but not as gorgeous as Daniel.

I probably should have spun, dang it. I began spinning, to show him that I did work, that he didn't need to replace me. He looked up at me with a slight hatred, disgust even, and I slowed down.

Dam has never looked up at me like that before. He was... Angry at me? What was this I was feeling? This... Remorse. This pain.

"Yes, I'd like to replace my ceiling fan. It doesn't seem to be working very well. It's really acting up.... Yes. Ok."

If I had bodily fluids I would have burst into tears.

I didn't want to go.

I couldn't go. Stupid Phil, he was the one who suggested this so he could have Dan all for himself. I wished Phil would climb up here again so I could slash him in his face. I hoped it would leave a nasty scar, nasty enough so that Phil would want to hide from Dan forever.

I wished I was human, I wish I had a vessel through which I could express my love for Daniel Howell.

But alas, I was but a fan. Nothing but an object to him, awaiting my  inevitable disposal.

I was fully functional, and yet I was being thrown to the trash. How could I let jealousy get he best of me? Now I was going to lose Dan forever. This was terrible.

He hung up the phone and exited the room, and I sat in silence again. The quiet was violent to me, letting my innermost thoughts out to torture and taunt me.

I'm going to the trash I'm going to the trash they're throwing me away I'm a piece of trash I'm a recyclable item I'm going to live my life without Dan I'm going to be homeless I'm going to be ceiling-less I won't have any electricity I'm going to die.

I wondered if fans could die.

I started spinning to numb the pain inside me, faster and faster as I attempted to dull the horrid memories of what had just happened. Suddenly, I felt a disconnection where I had connected to the ceiling and I crashed to the floor.

I was going too fast, and now I had crashed. Well, here was my answer. I didn't die without electricity.

Both of the youtubers raced to the room to find the cause of the noise.

"This stupid fan." Phil muttered, and Dan covered his face in his hands. I would be blushing ashamedly right now, but I don't have blood. Or cheeks.

"The landlord is coming to replace it with air conditioning, she'll clean up the mess too." He sighed in frustration. "I'm pretty sure she's stronger than both of us combined, cause there is no way I can pick up a ceiling fan."

Phil nodded in response and they slammed the door as they exited the room.

He called me a mess.

Was I that bad?

I was so distraught now that the silence seemed to absorb my thoughts. A group of friends could be heard from below the bedroom window.

"How could you do this to me bro? Call me out like that in front of the whole bar? I thought we were friends!"

"Well it wasn't my fault you were being a complete and utter—"

"Guys," a female voice yelled. "Let's just go grab a cappuccino and head back. Dan and Phil games uploaded, maybe we could watch a few YouTube videos and chill out."

"Not with him."

"Why are you so obsessed with these guys? I'd rather watch a movie or something."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Park. Even though he just cussed me out in front of—"

"Okay! That's in the past. You guys can go watch your movie then, I'll just invite Darcy over to hang out. I don't need you."

"If you say so, Poppy."


The silence resumed and I wondered if Poppy loved Dan as much as I did. Or maybe she was a fan of (ugh) Phil. It was disgusting to even think to his name.

Just then, a familiar Texan voiced burst through the room and a dark, tough lady stood in the doorway.

"Daniel! I'm not even going to ask what happened here. This is too broken to fix, it's going to the trash."

lmao i wonder what's going to happen to the fan after this chapter! hope y'all liked it. just letting u know this is book is a collaborative with my good friend Cynic_ or humorously_ (her main acc) and u could give it a cheeky vote if you like ;)

~ Zoei

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