chapter 39 (please read A/N)

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I got tons of replies. I decided to make a video because yeah I have to answer the questions. Here we go with some weird questions.
end of recap

(All these twitter accounts are fake just saying. I making them up. Also Some of these questions are some information about me.)

"Hey guys it's Keira and because I'm in the hospital and really bored and hungry, random I know. Also here a sleeping Ricky. I showed them Ricky and put a caption saying "He's tired". And just to let you know we are all okay from the car crash. But anyways I decided to do a Q&A. I sent out a tweet to you guys with the hashtag #AskKeira. I got tons of replies. LETS DO THIS!

_Lora365 says What was the hardest part about being adopted? #AskKeira
The hardest part about being adopted was leaving my best friend Katie behind but thankfully she got adopted a few months after me and lives down the street.

PhanTrash164 says Why did you break up with Hayes? #AskKeira
I broke up with Hayes because it wasn't really working out very well. I just felt like it wasn't right for me.

Mrs.Pottorff says Whats your favorite color and why? #AskKeira
My favorite color has to be black because it's mysterious like me and I also like the colors teal and mint green because they are just really pretty colors.

(I had to write this fake account just saying because they do lol)
PeriodsSuckBalls0343 asks What happened to Carter?? He posted something on twitter saying you broke up, is that true? #AskKeira
Well yeah we broke up but I don't want to tell you guys what happened it's kinda too personal sorry for all that asked.

5SecondsOfSummer asks Do you like Panic! At The Disco? If so what's your favorite song from them? #AskKeira
I absolutly love P!ATD and my fav song from them is either Emperor's New Clothes or This Is Gospel.

That's all we have for today. Give this video a big thumbs up for me and comment some more questions you want for me for another Q&A next week. Links for the twitter accounts will be in the description along with my twitter, instagram, and snapchat.

I hope you have a great day today. BYEEEEEE!

I shut my camera off and grabbed my laptop one of the nurses brought me from my house. I turned it on and started editing the video.

*Three Hours Later* (Read it in the spongebob narrator voice. It's way more funnier)

I finished editing my video and let me tell you. That was tiring.

I decided to sleep since it was 9:30 and I was super tired.

*The Next Day*

I woke up and looked at my phone to look at the time and it said 9:16. Why can't I ever sleep in????

I looked around and saw Ricky not in his bed. I looked around my hospital room and saw him on the phone.

"Yes... I'll tell her... No it's okay... Alright... Bye"

"Dad who was that?"

"No one sweetheart. No one you have to worry about. Also the nurses came into our room and said we are all able to get discharged but Kian. They said they have to keep him in the hospital for a few more weeks and then he will be home."

"Okay. When are we leaving?"

"In an hour or so when Cameron, and Jenn get us some clothes."

"Okay. I'm going to upload a video that I made last night when you feel asleep."

Adopted by O2lNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ