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Tonight, no assists; just me and my thoughts

Just old nothing thoughts that rebound in the dark

Do nothing thoughts, circling back on themselves

Without ever completing themselves: there's no mark.

A thought begins...starts to form...and builds:

A memory, a debate, a reasoning, a plan

Then back to the start, accomplishing no end

Has ever a thought finished once in my head?

No, they keep threading away, reaching out like long tendrils of vines climbing upward and on,

Curling and twirling 'round brain stems like weeds, growing higher, and thicker, and choking out everything...

But thoughts don't choke...

Do they?

Aren't we supposed...

To think?

To examine, and reason,

And think...

Our way out?


Emotions are transient; thoughts are not trust-worthy

Step to the plate, in the ring, on the mat

No-one has use for this old navel-gazing;

The world tires quickly of prattle like that

Keep your feet on the ground, baby, planted and solid

Planted and solid and concrete and strong

Shut grey matters down, dear, for once and for all,

They're wasting and wearing and wanting and wan

Close your inner mind's ear to those fancies that call away,

'Listen, keep listening, please listen, please wait'

They don't have a clue what reality is to you

They 'listen' and 'wait' after archaic faith

No. No more. For my reason and feeling

Is nothing but circular thinking. No more.

So, all you wee fancies, you foolish young heart keys,

Be quiet. Be silent.

I'll think here no more.

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