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A/N: I'm dedicating this chapter to @kara94 for all her positive feedback and for being such a supportive reader. Thank you!

This is the wedding ceremony! I've done something a little different with the style of this chapter. It's fast-paced and there's a lot going on so it jumps around from Harry, Louis and Darby's POV.


Darby entered the flat with a small shopping bag dangling precariously from her pinky finger. "I'm gonna hop in the shower," she said wearily.

I kissed the top of her head. "Your mum and your sister are on their way."

She searched my face and I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I took this as a good sign. Whatever happened in that hotel room with Louis it wasn't him telling her everything and ruining our lives. I was worried he would tell her, if only to delight in her pain.

And to think, just a few hours ago I was willing to give all of this up: Darby, our life, our future, and for what, for a man who destroyed our band, our relationship, and me, out of spite?


I paced back and forth in my room waiting for the news. Darby would call off the wedding and Harry would be devastated. He would blame me, and even though I didn't actually tell her about us, in a roundabout way it was my fault. I never should have come to New York.

After a few hours I became impatient and texted Liam, asking if the wedding was still on. He quickly replied: "yes," and "why? what did you do?"

"nothing," I texted back. "never mind."

Either Darby wasn't willing to face the truth or she'd decided she loved Harry so much that it didn't matter. I was stunned. She seemed too pragmatic for that kind of self-delusion, but then again Harry makes people do crazy things, myself included.

I texted Liam again, telling him I was flying back to London. He called me immediately.

"Louis, I don't have time for your drama. You know Harry wants you there, whether he admits it or not. Can we please put these theatrics behind us now?"

"Harry doesn't want me there anymore. We had a row. It's over."

"What now?"

"It was me."

"What was you?"

"The Kitty cheating scandal. She agreed to let me take a pic of her with Harry at the bachelor party and leak it if I could convince this new act I manage to collaborate with her on her new album."

"Oh God, you didn't."

"I just wanted to win him back. I didn't know what else to do!"

"That's bad, Louis. Even for you. That is very, very bad."

Ah, Liam always knew just what to say to make me feel better.


As I stepped out of the shower, my mother and sister burst through the bathroom door without knocking, Harry's mom trailing behind them, both hands full with trays of coffee.

"We're three minutes behind," my mother yelled in my face, like a drill sergeant. "Your hair! Your makeup!"

"She's doing it herself," Abby said. My mother's eyes went wild. "It'll be fine mom, I'll help."

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