Chapter 5

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"Check you out, Mr Alpha is cooking" I stood at the kitchen counter, Dallas looked over at me and smiled "Mr Alpha?" He put a plate of bacon on the counter "You're an alpha aren't you?" He smiled and nodded "Yeah but what would that make you?" I smiled "Mrs Alpha" He continued "Wait.."

"Oh my god" We laughed "I see what you did there" He frowned and moved my hair "You've been marked?!" A growled erupted from his chest "I didn't want it" I moved my hair back over my right shoulder "What do you mean?" He asked "It was against my will, and on the full moon" He motioned me to follow him, I didn't want to push my luck so I did as he asked, we sat in his office "Why do I get the feeling you're going to make a bigger thing out of this?" He growled "You are mine Emily, that thing on your neck is not meant to be there" He snapped "Don't snap at me Dallas! I told you I never asked for it" He sat back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair "I'm sorry, I just want to look after you and keep you safe, this is a big thing. It's against the rules" I nodded "I know" He handed me a pad of paper and a pen "You need to write down what happened that night" I nodded again and took both the pen and paper, and did as he asked "How does this prove anything? It's just ink on paper" He took the paper, took the pieces I wrote on and folded them neatly before sliding them in an envelope "The wolf who marked you, is very dangerous. He works with witches" I watched as he sealed the envelope "Bonnie!" The huge oak door opened, a blonde girl walked in and smiled, she wasn't like the sluts you have in each pack, she was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a double layered top along with an oversized jacket "Yes Alpha?"

"Make sure this is sent to the werewolf council" She nodded and took the envelope "Yes Alpha" You could sense the power radiating of off her, she's a third in command, they can't hold that much power unless.. She's mated to a Beta "Wait.." I got up and touched the jacket "I know that jacket" It then hit me.. I followed the sent "Danny!" He turned around "Emily?!" He walked over and wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight "I thought I lost you"

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