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Me and Crawford just stayed on my bed and watched comedies on Netflix.

Nia is really lucky. At least her boyfriend exists... Right now, I don't know where Chris is and I don't know where to find Chris. Ya know... the one that I fell in love with...the one that I loved even when he left me for 2 months... the one I continued to love for those 2 months... yeah, where did he go?

We heard the front door open and my stomach dropped. I have to face Chris. Funny. I was just thinking about him.

Crawford got up and I hesitantly followed. He sighed and grabbed my wrist, tugging me down the stairs. I groaned and lazily walked down with him.

He ran over to Nia and embraced her in a tight hug.

"Babe I can't breathe..." she said weakly. He let go and they chuckled.

Me and Chris just stood there awkwardly. I saw in the corner of my eye that he kept looking at me, and there was nothing I wanted more than to just run into his arms and apologize for being clingy, and apologize for whatever, I just want to be with him. But I didn't. And then he walked away.

I felt a nudge and looked to the side to see Crawford. "Talk to him." he whispers.

"He hates me." I say back.

"He doesn't."

"What're we talking about?" Nia whispers with a giggle.

"I'll tell you, when they leave." I whisper. She nods and goes to the kitchen where Chris is.

"Oh-" me and Crawford say at the same time.

"Sorry go ahead," I chuckle.

"Oh I just wanted to know if we could tell Nia about what happened earlier... we both know it was a mistake and I'll feel guilty for keeping it in me... It's not like we did anything but we were close to... and don't take it the wrong way it's just--"

"Crawf it's okay. I want to tell her too." I laugh. He sighs and chuckles.

We walk into the living room and Nia and Chris are sitting on the couch, like they were this morning. I sit in between both of them and tried to get comfortable... but then Chris stood up.

"I think we are just gonna head home now." he says, not looking at me. It stung. Did he hate me that much? He couldn't even be near me? He couldn't even look at me? I don't even know what I did...

"Oh, uh, okay..." I say, trying to get his green eyes to look into mine... but they were glued to the floor. Ouch.

I focus my eyes down to my feet... If I kept staring at Chris, my heart would break more.

"I'll talk to you later." Chris mumbles. And with that, him and Crawford walk away.

"Jas?" Nia says, reminding me that she's still there. I wipe away the tears that came in my eyes, and smacked on a fake smile.

"Yeah?" I say, trying to be more enthusiastic.

"Is something going on?"

I was going to cry. But I was okay, because it was in front of Nia. Nia helps with anything and everything. She's the only person who understands.

She pulls me into a hug and we just sit there, me sobbing into her shoulder, and her rubbing my back.

"What's going on?"

"He lied..." is all I can say.

The memory of him first saying that he loved me popped into my mind and I couldn't help but cry more.

Christian Collins is nothing more but a liar to me now.

And I don't know why I still love him.

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