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I do not own anything from Harry Potter or the amazing thoughts coming from the mind of J.K. Rowling. I know, it's very sad.

Okay. It's okay, Vanessa repeated that in her head over and over again. The warmth of the Gryffindor common room was a nice change from the freezing air that filled the outside. The tears she was previously crying felt like they froze to the cold surface of her skin. Now, she felt empty. No more tears to cry, no more words to say, no more love to feel. It was over. She let out a heavy sigh, closing her bloodshot eyes and covering her puffy, blotchy cheeks. "You were so dumb, Vanessa," she mumbled to herself, shaking her head.

She heard a small groan behind her and quickly snapped her head around. A tall boy with messy, red hair yawned, his eyes squinted and tired. He walked over to the couch and sat down. He rubbed his eyes," You okay?" He was definitely only half awake. He was quiet, his words somewhat slurred.

Vanessa nodded, but she couldn't even believe herself. Tears have never equaled okay for her. "I don't know," she bit her lip. She grabbed the dark red pillow from beside her and cuddled it close to her chest. The boy remained silent, looking at her and then at his fingers.

It stayed that way for a few minutes. Only the occasional breaths were heard. "A boy?" He finally spoke, clearer than last time. She nodded, looking down. She was ashamed to admit that she lost her true love. "Figured. Boys are stupid." He let out an airy laugh. "Coming from a boy, that means a lot."

Vanessa rolled her tear-filled eyes. She wasn't exactly looking for kindness. She could tell boys were dumb. "Whatever," she mumbled in a shaky voice. She shrugged her shoulders slightly. The boulders of intense feelings made her feel like falling and never being able to get back up.

She felt the couch cushion behind her somewhat sink. His heavy sigh filled her ears before he spoke,"It'll be okay. Over time, whether that be weeks, months, or years, you'll get over him. You'll meet that perfect guy, and you'll forget about that ex boyfriend. You'll be relieved, you'll be happy. Promise."

Vanessa blinked. "Who do you think you are?" She looked at him, a mix of confusion and anger plastered on her face. " I don't even know your name, and you don't know what I'm going through right now. Why do you think that you can just show up here and give me advice or an inspirational speech or whatever? I am so fucking sad. Okay? I don't want another dumb boy to act like he cares when he doesn't. I'm so sick of that. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to cry. A lot. I am sad, and whatever you say is not going to stop the horrible, heart wrenching feeling of pain. My heart it broken, and all of those 'floods of joy' that filled it are breaking out into a storm of sadness! I was in love, and my heart was smashed by a hammer of dumb excuses!" She slammed her fist onto the couch cushion, staring directly at the boy as teardrops streamed down her face gently. She released a shaky breath. "I just feel like I've been skydiving, and I forgot a parachute. So, here I am, I'm dead." She let out a heavy breath and wiped away her tears. She turned away and looked at the still fireplace. "Sorry," she sighed. "I'm a mess. I hate it."

"Hello, a mess. I'm Fred Weasley," he smiled, putting his hand out. Vanessa turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She laughed and awkwardly shook his hand.

Fred felt accomplished, giving her a quick grin. "Did those tears stop?" He smiled. He was genuinely asking, considering he could barely see.

Vanessa paused. They did. "Wow, yeah. They did," she flashed a quick smile. "Thanks." She put out her hand for Fred to shake," Vanessa Rodgers."

It felt like an eternity before he finally shook her hand. Time froze. Vanessa Rodgers was familiar. She was one of, if not the, the prettiest, smartest Gryffindors in his year. He and George had crushed on her for their first two years, before she started dating that Slytherin prat, Alexander Page. He mentally scoffed, remembering all the times she was oblivious to his horrid attitude to everyone else. Time started again, and he shook her hand. He made her seem like a dwarf, her being barely over 5 foot and him being over 6'.

She smiled at the boy," Well, thank you, Fred. A lot, actually. I probably would've cried for ages and ages. Now, I'll probably only cry when anyone say that arsehole's name." Vanessa giggled, and ran her hand over her tired, tear stained face.

"No problem," Fred gave a small grin. He had never really felt nervous around many girls. "Uh, if you ever want to, we always have room available where we sit in the Dining Hall," He suggested, giving her a quick shrug to play it off as cool.

"I might take you up on that," she was about to get up before leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Good night!" She rushed up the stairs.

Vanessa didn't know why she did that. Maybe it was the fact she was a dumped and needed a rebound. Maybe it was the fact that any guy seemed hot. Maybe it was because her mind told her she should. She had no clue, but she didn't own a time turner. She couldn't go back and tell herself not to do that.

Still in the common room, Fred was sitting there dumbfounded. He felt paralyzed, almost. He had been kissed before, on the lips and cheek. Why was he reacting like this? Those childish feelings were gone. Right?


Thank you so much for reading! This is going to be mainly focused on the movie because that's just easier to write, but it will definitely have big points that were in the books that I think really affect the story. It will also be longer, considering this is just the start of it all.

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