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If saying Vanessa was confused about how to approach the day, that was an understatement. Her life had been full of sunshine and happiness, until, ironically, she got dumped in the rain. Her life had also consisted of the same routine. She usually had to get up, get ready, eat, go to class, and be Alexander Page's pretty, little arm candy. That, however, had completely changed. She was up, she was ready, she was going to eat, classes were not scheduled today, and she now had to be pretty alone. She shook her head. "Come on, Ness," she mumbled sternly to herself," Take today by the balls."

Vanessa had finally entered the Great Hall and was immediately confronted with a variety of stares. She flashed a quick, charming grin to them all, ignoring the face of Alexander. She walked with her chin held up high and a smirk on her lips. She was a strong, independent woman. She could get through a few steps.

That was until she met his pale blue eyes and weak smile. She swore she choked on air. Everything froze. She was stuck in the same period of time for hours it felt like. She closed her eyes.

Time started again, and she was already in front of Fred and George. She sat on the opposite side of the table. "Hello," she smiled.

George looked at her, then his brother who was already starting to talk to her. "Hey, Vanessa," Fred gave her a signature smirk, receiving a nudge and confused look from George. Fred chose to ignore it," How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful for a person who just got dumped," she forced herself to laugh. She sent George, who she hadn't spoken to since her second year, a sweet smile. She could tell by his hesitant reply, he was very puzzled. "What about you both."

"Good," they both replied. Fred glanced around before settling his eyes on the girl just coming in. Fred smiled," Oi! There's Angelina! I'm going to go talk to her real alone real quick." He sent an exaggerated wink to his brother and Vanessa. Then, he quickly headed off.

Vanessa turned to look at the way too familiar girl and grimaced. "Ew," she mumbled to herself, but George heard, since he kind of choked on his food.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a minute before looking into her green eyes. "Don't let Fred hear you say that, since I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her," he stated in an amused tone of voice. His lips curled up into a grin, before continuing," I knew I'd always liked you. Welcome back."

Although, Vanessa was pretty sure she insulted their friend, this was turning out better than she thought. " She's just a bitch," Vanessa hesitated on her words. " She just--Ugh." It was difficult to talk about her without losing her temper. She recounted nights of constant teasing and taunting coming from the room they had shared. Apparently dating a Slytherin caused that.

"I don't like her that much either," George furrowed his eyebrows. "She's good at quidditch, though." He paused. "Do you like Quidditch, by the way? I mean, you don't play for the team, but do you ever watch?"

Vanessa nodded enthusiastically, about to reply when a annoying voice spoke first. "Um," the girl tapped her furiously on her shoulder," You're in my seat." Vanessa closed her eyes for a split second, preparing to see the face of what some would call an enemy of Vanessa's. Vanessa looked at her with an innocent look before looking around the space below her.

"Sorry," Vanessa scratched her head before putting a fake look of sympathy on her face. "I-I don't see your name on here." They looked at each other with glares that could kill.

Fred cleared his throat," Merlin, Ange, just beside her. It's not that big of a deal." Fred laughed slightly, not noticing the look of anger on her face. "Then, Katie and Alicia can move over one seat, and Lee will sit next to us like usual." Fred acted like it was the easiest problem he had ever solved.

"Problem solved," Fred and George chimed at once. Angelina huffed, narrowing her eyes.

"Me and the girls are going to sit somewhere else today," Angelina stormed off somewhere further down the table, obviously pissed at the idiotic suggestion Fred made.

"Ange!" Fred yelled after her.

"C'mon!" George shouted

"Don't leave!"


Vanessa kept her mouth shut, obviously not wanting to continue to stir the pot. "Ugh," Fred groaned. "Women are so hard."

"I'll never understand them," George continued. They both looked at each other and shook their heads in sorrow, their red hair falling to cover their face. Vanessa smiled.

"Just don't be so dimwitted," she sighed, remembering their obnoxiously loud conversation with Hermione Granger.

"Whoa, Fred! What happened to Vanessa Rodgers?" George's eyes were wide. Fred looked the same.

"This is obviously Hermione. Polyjuice!" Fred finished.

"Whatever!" Vanessa laughed, reaching across the table to shove them both. "Hermione and I are actually friends, since I comforted her when your brother was a prat in his first year." She had known the Weasley twins since she rode here with them on the train their first year, but they had drifted apart. So, of course, she knew about their family a bit.

Vanessa smirked, knowing how speechless the twins were. "Okay," Fred laughed,"That--"

"Was not at all our fault," George finished. "Ron's a down right git."

"Nosey, too," Fred shook his head. The twins let out a quick chuckle before changing the subject. Fred smirked," You ready for the first task today?"

"Yes," Vanessa giggled. "Really torn between Cedric and Harry." Fred and George groaned.

"This is a deal breaker, Vanessa," Fred sighed.

"You can't be all attracted to Cedric Diggory," George shivered when he mentioned that name.

"He beat us in quidditch, you know?" Fred pretended to sob. "I do not like that guy."

"Oh, whatever!" Vanessa stated with an amused grin. "He's so hot, though. Look at him!" She turned around to look at him, Fred and George following along. He was laughing with his friends before finding Vanessa and them staring. He sent them a smile and wave before they turned around.

"Oh, Merlin!" Fred laughed.

"That was weird," George groaned.

"Is that what we have to deal with?" Fred sighed, before quickly continuing," Assuming you stick around with us, of course."

Vanessa paused. Would she stuck around? Or would she go and try to hang with her Slytherin friends, who were also he ex-boyfriend's? " Yeah," she finally answered. "You're going to have to deal with stuff like that." That was the beginning of their friendship.

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