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Harry sat on the shoulders of Fred and George. Their grins were wide and bright, as Fred laughed. "We knew you wouldn't die, Harry!" Fred gleamed, bouncing Harry up and down on his shoulders. Harry looked nervous and proud, slightly scared he would fall, but he just fought a dragon. Vanessa clapped, along with everyone else.

"Might lose an arm-" George continued.

"Or a leg-"

"But pack it all together?"

"Never!" They shouted at once. Vanessa laughed, clapping gleefully at Harry, Fred, and George. Maya stood right beside her, rolling her eyes. Vanessa nudged her friend as a joke as Harry said something that cause everyone to cheer, before he opened the egg. Vanessa covered her ears on reaction, as soon as she heard the high pitched squeal that erupted from that egg. She fell to the ground, along with Maya, hoping to avoid that deathly sound. It soon stopped when Harry forced the egg shut. Vanessa sighed in relief, catching the eye of Ron in the doorway.

He sent over a weak smile, but Vanessa ignored it, tilting her head in the direction of Harry with a raised eyebrow. She had heard of their fight from Hermione when they had spoken in the halls one afternoon. She was furious at the both of them for being drama queens. Couldn't blame her for that one. He nodded, before making some comment she couldn't hear, but it did catch everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" Maya asked, "Was a Gryffindor being dramatic?" She laughed. "Not unusual." Vanessa sent her friend a playful glare, since even though it was slightly insulting, it was true. Some, most, Gryffindors she knew were overdramatic.

Vanessa sighed," Ron's jealous of Harry. It's a big mess I was filled in on last week." Maya nodded, watching as Ron received cross looks from Harry. They began to engage in a conversation, ignoring the party that was going on. "They're making up, I think."

"Probably!" Two voices said in unison behind her. Vanessa jumped, collapsing on the ground as soon she landed. She groaned, it was something she had always done when she got scared. This time, it wasn't Maya's fault, it was those dumb twins. She turned to glare at them, as they sat on the ground beside her, holding their chest as they burst out laughing. Maya laughed, too, but she was standing up, shaking her head at Vanessa's reaction, as usual. Vanessa huffed, crossing her arms, continuing to glare at the twins. They just replaced their laughs with a smirk and wink.

"I hate you!" she huffed, glowering at them. She hated being scared, mostly because she was easy to scare. She would fall to the ground and cower like always, until she was laughed at. "That was not funny!"

"Sorry, Ness," Maya giggled," it was very funny." She smiled down at her friend, who was now the only one on the ground. She frowned, watching as Fred took his hand out of his pocket with a laugh and exaggerated sigh. He held it down, waiting for her to take it and let him help her up. She contemplated pulling him back down for a second, but upon realizing he was being nice and she wasn't really strong enough to get him down here, she just let him help her up.

"You are so mean to poor, little me," Vanessa faked a sob, covering her hands with her before acting like Moaning Myrtle, without the extremely perverted part. " Poor, little Vanessa!" Fred and George laughed and rolled their eyes. Maya shook her head, already extremely used to her impressions.

"Do you want a piece of candy?" Fred asked, placing a hand on Vanessa's shoulder, pretending to comfort her. He looked at George with a smirk.

"We have some great toffee, if you'd like," George continued, hiding the mischief in his voice.

"Here," Fred pulled out a piece of toffee from his pocket with an obviously fake smile. "Have some."

Vanessa waved it off, shaking her head. "Fred and George Weasley, I cannot believe you would try to prank me like that. I'm not completely dumb, believe that or not." Vanessa crossed her arms," Scare me then try to prank me. I'm ashamed." Vanessa looked at the ground to keep her smile hidden. "I don't think we should be friends anymore."

"Okay, fine," Fred laughed.

"Maya is better, anyways," George finished. When Vanessa looked up, their arms were wrapped around her shoulders. She rolled her eyes and walked over to Hermione like we were best friends.

"Hey," she smiled jokingly, glancing back at Fred and George who watched her with a smirk.

"Hello, Vanessa," she smiled with a furrowed eyebrows. "I thought you were hanging out with Fred and George."

"We're not friends anymore," Vanessa laughed. "They told me Maya was better than me." She tried to look offended but failed horrifically by grinning sheepishly.

Hermione shook her head. "You're so odd," she stated. "I have to go make sure Harry and Ron haven't killed each other and have actually made up, but I'll talk to you later." She gave me a quick wave before heading off to some place behind her. Vanessa sighed. They didn't deserve her. She watched Fred continue to stare at me across the room, his lips curled into a smile with his eyebrow raised. She stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms. He was such an arse.

She walked, well, danced ("only because the music was catchy," she'll tell you if you ask her), over to him. Now that he watched Hermione ditch her, she had no choice. Vanessa sighed and threw her hands up when she reached him. "You win," she mumbled. He put his hand to his ear, pretending he couldn't hear her, but the glare she sent him made him stop. Fred Weasley was a terrible person. Vanessa leaned against the wall next to him. She had never been a party person. It eventually got boring after a while. Drama, loud music, and a lot of making out in front of her was not really her favorite thing. She tried to hold her yawn, but Fred easily caught it, snickering as he heard the sound that reminded him of a puppy.

"Awe," he laughed. "You tired?" She shook her head, but sadly, she ended up yawning again. She groaned. It always had to happen to her, didn't it?

"I'm fine," she got out. "Where's Maya and George?"

Fred watched as she wiped away the tears from her eyes. "Maya thought she would be late, and George and I know our way out of the castle pretty well, so he just guided her to the Slytherin dorms." Fred rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand to lead her to his room. "C'mon, Ness." He had picked up the name from Maya. "Let's go to the boys' dorm."

"Fred," she laughed," I think we're moving too fast." She walked with him anyways.

"I want to show you something," he paused, trying to find the right words. "Not my dick, though." Vanessa paused to recollect her self from laughing, as soon as those words left his mouth. She put her hands on her knees and let out heavy breaths. "Oh, shut it." He chuckled, leading her up the stairs to their room. She followed, too tired to really think through what she was doing but not drunk enough at all to sleep with him.

He led her to his bed and sat her down, where she grabbed a pillow and snuggled to it. Fred watched with joy before going under his bed and looking for everything. He grabbed candies, papers, and everything from the bed under his bed, avoiding his dirty laundry. He laid it all out on the bed, placing it in rows for his small organizational needs. " There."

The first thing that caught Vanessa's eye was the "Ton-Tongue Toffee." She looked up at Fred who greeted her with a cheeky smile. "You were trying to kill me!" She jumped up and put a finger in her chest.

"Actually, we've experimented with this. It would just make your tongue grow a lot," he winked at Vanessa. The memory of his dad and Dudley freaking out still present in his mind. He chuckled to himself, watching Vanessa lie back down on his bed, snuggling into his pillows.

"Whatever, I'm still mad at you," she pulled a puppy dog face. Fred bit his lip, grabbing all of his practical jokes and shoving them back into the box under his bed. He kept the papers out and laid next to her.

"Oh, come on, Nessy," he grinned, poking her cheek. "What happens when George and I open the joke shop?"

"You're opening a joke shop?" she yawned, looking at the paper he held. She had to snuggle closer to see it. It was full of fake wands, candies, and many other things, all listed with a price. She smiled," That's really impressive." She let out an airy laugh.

"Mum doesn't support it. She thinks we can do much better," Fred sighed, setting the paper down, resting his cheek on Vanessa's head, which she nuzzled into his shoulder.

"You do what you want. Everything happens for a reason," she trailed off. All the sound in the room was their breaths. It was like some cheesy love story, but they weren't in love. She was just tired, and he was just letting her sleep.

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