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When Vanessa woke up, she wasn't in her bed.  Of course, after dating Alex for years, it wouldn't be unusual. She wasn't dating Alex anymore, so those late night snuggles weren't going to happen. She rolled off the pillow she was cuddling and rubbed her eyes. Glancing around, she could tell two things. This was not the Slytherin dorms, and the pillow was not a pillow at all. It was Fred Weasley. She groaned. She felt like the people she had called hoes multiple times. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, and now she felt asleep on some guy's bed. She let out a quick breath before rushing down the stairs to her common room.

She ran a hand through her hair and released a frustrated sigh. She hadn't expected this when she was broken up with. She didn't expect to actually like Fred Weasley. She never thought she would talk to Fred Weasley ever again, but she did. Last night, as she laid on his shoulders, watching him speak so passionately about what he does, she fell just a little bit. She didn't want that, though.

She mumbled out a spell to straighten her long, brown hair. She hated it all frizzy and natural. She rushed out of the common room to head to the great hall. It was early and cold in the building, mostly everyone had been still asleep. She only knew one person who would surely be awake, and luckily, it was her best friend.

On the way down, she couldn't get Fred out of her head. She couldn't get Alex out either. They were two opposite people. Alex was ambitious, cunning, and resourceful, the typical Slytherin. Fred let her laugh. He was brave, funny, and actually really intelligent.

Vanessa groaned and scurried down to find Maya as quickly as possible. It took her a minute, but there she sat, at the Gryffindor table giving Angelina Johnson rude stares. Vanessa could tell they were arguing. Hermione sat near them, reading a book and covering her ear on the side they sat. She was obviously agitated. Vanessa sat next to her. She wasn't really sure if I should be a good friend and stop them or be a good friend and let Maya get it all out.

The second choice would work. Vanessa laughed quietly," How long have they been arguing?"

Hermione shot up and looked at Vanessa. "Vanessa!" She smiled. They had become close, so Hermione could talk to her without wanting to strangle her, but they never had much time to talk. "They've been arguing for ten minutes. Angelina called Maya some rude names, and Maya has shut her down since then. It's quite loud and annoying."

"I'll go shut them up," Vanessa laughed, waving to Hermione and walking over to Maya and Angelina. "Guys, stop arguing. It's dumb."

"Oh, you," Angelina scoffed. "Isn't the trash supposed to in the trashcan?" Angelina crossed her arms, smirking at me.

"I agree. Now, Angelina, why don't you go back to where you belong?" Maya glared at her. Angelina rolled her eyes before turning around and walking off. Maya turned to Vanessa, slight anger still present in her expression. "Sorry."

"It's fine, Maya," Vanessa replied, shrugging it off. " I have something to tell you. It's really bad." Maya raised an eyebrow, fixing her posture and staring skeptically at Vanessa. "Okay," Vanessa scratched the back of her head," I don't know how to say this. Uh, Maya, I think I like Fred."

"No dip," Maya rolled her eyes, laughing at her friend. Maya could tell from the day she first saw them interact that she had attraction to him. She kept telling George that. He knew it, too. "Sorry, Ness. It's just the way you both look at each other. It's like one of those romantic, um, movies you showed me, I think? You guys just, like, have a twinkle in your eyes. He likes you, too, by the way. It's obvious."

"Maya!" Vanessa playfully scolding her friend. "I'm not even sure if I really like him or not. What if it's just anger built up from Alex that I feel like I have to get back at him using Fred. I don't know. What if?" Vanessa laid her head on the table, sighing in frustration. She wasn't exactly used to crushing, considering that she had been dating Alex for a while. All she remembered was hating the feeling of it and pretending like it was all amazing in her world to try and impress them.

"I'll ask George to interrogate him," Maya shrugged, taking a bite out of her breakfast once more. " I have to go, but I'll see you later." She stood up and waved, walking away. Vanessa sat alone for a few minutes, playing with her food and people watching.

She stood up, figuring it's probably time for her to get to class and do something. And that's what she did.

Over the week, Vanessa was busy. Everything was happening all at once. She was writing essays for her classes, letting Hermione rant, dealing with her feelings for Fred, her anger at Alex, and trying to keep in touch with all of her friends. She simply was devoured by her enormous schedule.

"I'm going to die," she mumbled, sitting down and placing her head on the table. The twins, Lee (who she had only spoken to three times), and Maya all laughed.

"Vanessa," George laughed. "Did you not pay attention to what was going on today?"

"They're making us gather with McGonagall today for some reason," Fred shrugged.

"What?" Vanessa's eyebrows was raised, and she was growing. "When did this happen?"

"Yesterday. We're gathering in like 20 minutes," Maya smiled sympathetically at her friend. "Child...You're so out of it." Maya shook her head. "Just relax today, okay?" Vanessa nodded.

"You want to go outside and get some air?" Fred asked, before remembering something. "Me and Angelina are gonna hang out for a bit before we head off, so I gotta go."

George rolled his eyes, watching as his brother walked off. "He's so whipped."

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