Chapter 1: Too Tired To Realize

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Chapter 1: Too Tired To Realize


We were just finishing up the new Smosh video. It was the second day of filming, and we were all stressed out. Cameras and boom mics were everywhere. Our actresses were dripping with cider and... wet.

Yeah, I know. SHUT UP.

All today really consisted of was lip syncing our new single 'Dixon Cider' and "shoving it all down inside her". I could tell Anthony was extremely tired, but he wasn't the only one. Everyone dragged their feet as they walked around, trying to wake themselves up. 

The sun was setting and we couldn't take the exhaustion any longer. We all needed to go home and get some rest.

"Hey man, we should probably get out of here and go chill for the rest of the night. We can do part of the editing sometime this week," I said to Anthony, seeing the drained look in his eyes.

He nodded in agreement, probably thankful that he could relax for the rest of the night. I made the announcement to the crew that we had decided to call it a day, hearing their sighs of relief seconds afterwards.

We helped pack up all the equipment and walked to the car in comfortable silence, until Anthony broke it. 

"Your acting and dancing was great today," Anthony said with a smile. 


"Heh, thanks, you too," I said awkwardly as I looked back at him, smiling too.

I was never good with compliments, always turning them into awkwardness and never knowing how to respond. But it felt good to hear him say that; he barely ever complimented me.

We finally reached the car and I unlocked the trunk and threw the things in, not even caring how they were placed or handled. I was too worn out to care.

"Those things cost money, you know," Anthony said, laughing. His eyes lit up with his smile. It was, um, really beautiful, actually. 

'Ian, stop that,' my mind said to me.

Did I just call my best friend's smile beautiful? Wow. I mentally slapped myself.

"Yeah, oh well. Let's go. I'm tired as sh*t," I replied to Anthony as I laughed.

We quickly got into the car. I took the driver's seat knowing that Anthony was ten times more tired than I was and would probably get us killed if he drove. I turned on the car, pulled out of the lot, and started our long, hour and a half drive back home. 

Only about ten minuets into the trip, I saw Anthony slowly start to drift off. His eyes closed and I heard his breathing start to get heavy, letting me know that he was finally asleep. 

His face was relaxed and his mouth curved up into a slight smile as he slept. It was probably one of the cutest things I've seen in a while. 

"Ugh, what am I saying?" I though to myself.

Or at least thought I did...

"What?" Anthony said sleepily.


"Oh, uh... nothing. Just...yeah nothing," I said nervously, feeling my heart stop for a second. 

"Okay then," said Anthony, trying to fall back asleep.


I should probably be more careful about my mind. Sometimes it just... takes over and I don't really have control of what I say or do. Is that normal?

Anyway, that was the second time I've thought about Anthony like that today. I've been doing it a lot recently, and I don't know why. Everytime I looked at him, I would get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I would feel all happy and jumpy inside. I was always really cheerful around him. It was like I changed into a new person, a better person, when I spent time with him. He made me feel nice. 

I felt my eyes threatening to close as I drove. Luckily, we were almost home. I could see the exit sign at the side of the road that led to our street. Thank God. 

"Anthony," I whispered, nudging his leg lightly to try to wake him up. "We're almost home."

He didn't move. He must have been totally wiped out. Well, we had been filming since about seven this morning. And adding on yesterday's work didn't help either. 

I pulled into the garage and stopped the car, thankful that the tedious ride was over. I looked to my right to see that Anthony was still sleeping and couldn't help but smile to myself at his adorableness.

Here we go again with the gay comments. I sighed to myself. Is it my fault that I feel this way? 

'No, of course not, Ian. Now go put the sh*t back in the house,' my mind said to me.

I quickly unloaded the car and put all the cameras and other filming equipment into the house before coming back out again to get Anthony. I opened the passenger door and there he was, sleeping like a baby. 

And there that feeling was in my stomach. Again. 

I picked Anthony up bridal style and shut the car door with my foot, trying not to slam it. He felt so nice in my arms, and I really enjoyed carrying him like this. The warmth of his body spreading to mine felt like an electric charge was running through me. 

I brought him into the house and took him to the living room, reluctantly placing him on the couch. He was so cute while he slept and it made me just want to squeeze the hell out of him. I sat down directly beside him and looked at him. The only sound in the room was the sound of his light breathing. Was it weird that I was watching my best friend sleep?

"I, um. I'm really lucky to have a friend like you," I whispered so lightly that it was barely audible. 

I moved his hair out of his closed eyes. People really shouldn't be very attractive when they sleep, but Anthony was. I felt this sudden attraction pulling my body closer to Anthony's. It felt like I couldn't control where my body moved or what it did. My hand made its way to the side of his face and before I knew it, I was kissing him. 

I was kissing Anthony. And the sparks flew. This had been my only dream for weeks, maybe months. I'm not sure how long I've felt like this. 

Suddenly, I felt Anthony's face jerk away from mine. I opened my eyes, and saw Anthony, wide awake, with the most shocked look I've ever seen on his face.


I woke up to see Ian's face centimeters away from mine. His eyes were wide, like he was shocked about something. He just stared at me awkwardly, breathing heavily. I started back at him, hoping he would start explaining. 

"Uh, what's happening?" I said trying to break the silence. 

Ian hesitated a little before speaking.

"You uh, wouldn't wake up so I had to carry you back inside," he replied.

"Oh. Are you okay? You look... worried," I said. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You know what, I'm just going to go to bed. Uh, I'll see you in the morning. Night," he said hesitantly. 

He got up from the floor and walked down the hall to his room, forcefully shutting his door. 

Hey everyone! This is my first fan fiction and I hope you're as excited as I am! My first few chapters may be a bit scratchy, but I PROMISE that they get so much better. Thanks! :) ~

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