Chapter 10: The Fangirl

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Chapter 10: The Fangirl



I woke up in a dark room with pink and yellow walls. It looked like it had belonged to a seven-year-old girl. I looked around and saw that each wall was covered in pictures of me.

I tried to get up, but couldn't. 

I was tied to a f**king bed.

"Jesus Christ," I mumbled under my breath. 

Suddenly, the lights flickered on. The same man and a girl who looked like she was around ten stood in the doorway. They both smiled at me as if they were going to kill me.

"Go ahead, Brittany," he said as his eye twitched. 

"Thanks, Daddy," she said and kissed him forcefully. 

He kissed back and they had a five second make out session.

What the hell was wrong with these people?!

The girl slowly came close to me. She was smiling like crazy.

"I can't believe it's actually you. You're in my room, in my bed, here... with me," she said slowly.

Talk about fangirl. 

"Hey, Ian?" 

I was scared of a f**king ten-year-old.

"W-what?" I replied. 

"You're my bitch now," she said with a straight face.

She jumped on top of me and started licking my face like a maniac.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" I yelled, somehow knocking her off of the bed. 

"Oh, so that's how we're gonna play this game?" she said with a smirk. 

"Daddy!" she yelled. 

The man walked in the room.

"Yes, my dear?" he replied.

She nodded her head toward me.

The man pulled out a knife and held it to my neck. 

"Better do what she says, Hecox," he said to me. 

"Now, let's get to it, shall we?" she said, acting like she was the damn king of the world. 

'No, bitch. We shan't' I said in my mind. 

She started to take off my shirt. I was scared for what she was going to do. She put her arms around my waist and squeezed me tightly. Suddenly, I felt her lips smack against mine. She was kissing me with her disgusting, slobbery mouth, and I refused to kiss back. She pulled away. 

"Kiss me you dumb ass," she said angrily.

The man pushed the knife into my neck a little harder, reminding me to do what I was told. I didn't want to die today, so I guess I had no other choice. 

I reluctantly moved my lips with hers, wincing at her unwanted touch.

My muscles were tense. I didn't know where I was, or why I was here. Well, she was obviously a crazed fan who was obsessed with me. But who the hell would do something like this? What kind of father could kidnap someone just so his daughter could do this? 

She was kissing me so hard, that my lips were going numb. She was shoving her tongue down my throat, making me gag. 

It was disgusting.

She was disgusting. 

And I still didn't get my damn Spaghetti O's...

She started kissing down my neck, moving down my chest, all the way to my belt. She undid my belt and threw it on the ground. She slid my pants all the way down to my ankles, so that I was left only in my boxers. 

I kicked my feet and tried to break free with my arms.


She got close to my ear. 

"Listen up you sexy dumb f**k. I love you and you do what I say. No one is going to find you, don't worry," she said through gritted teeth.


Her father pressed the knife into my skin, making my neck slightly bleed. 

"Listen to her, Hecox," he said in a frustrated tone. 

I took a deep breath and exhaled. She licked down my chest, all the way to my boxers. 

"Are you ready my bitch?" she asked in what was supposed to be a sexy voice. 

I tensed up and squeezed my eyes shut, scared for what would happen next. 

Suddenly, I heard the door fly open, making a loud noise as it hit the wall. I couldn't see who it was because of the way I was tied to the bed. The girl flew off of me. 

"Oh hello. Did you come to join the fun?" she said in a light, yet deadly voice.

I heard someone punch someone. 

"F**k off," I heard a familiar voice say.

Anthony. He found me.

The man walked towards Anthony, dropping his knife which showed how stupid he was.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said with his evil voice. 

"Saving my best friend you bastard-" 

I heard another punch. 

"Anthony!" I yelled. 

"Oh shut up you-" I heard the man start to say.

Another punch. 

I heard rumbling and grunting. 

"I don't think you understand. YOU DON'T FUCK, WITH MY BEST FRIEND!" I heard Anthony yell.

I heard about eight more punches. 

Anthony ran over to me. 

"Oh my God, Ian. I-I'm so sorry," he said as he untied me.

I then realized that I was only dressed in my boxers and was slightly embarrassed. 

"It's-It's fine, man. Let's just get out of here," 

I was shaking. 

He hugged me, which made me feel better.

"Anthony, how did-" 

I was cut off by his lips softly brushing against mine. My heart exploded. I was in shock, but I kissed back. We both pulled away. 

"Let's go," Anthony said with a smile as he pulled me to the door. 

I was so shocked that I could barely walk.

I forgot about everything else that just happened.  

Anthony Padilla just kissed me. 

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