Chapter 20: Sleepwalking (Short)

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Chapter 20: Sleepwalking (Short)



I jumped up from the bed. My head was spinning from getting up so fast. Everything went black and I felt tingly everywhere. A ringing noise filled my ears, blocking out any other noises that were present. I could feel myself lose balance and fall back onto my nightstand. I remained still, unable to move from the temporary paralyzation in my legs. Then, everything slowly returned to its place, and I was laying on my floor, able to feel again.


What the hell was that noise? I slowly brought myself to my feet, being careful not to fall again. I looked to the bed to the right of me to see that Anthony had been missing. I looked to my door, which was unusually open. A beam of light shined through the doorway onto my carpet, forming a rectangular shape. I walked over to it to see where it was coming from.


The sudden noise made me jump. I left my room and started to walk down the hall quickly to where the light was coming from. I turned down the hall that lead to the kitchen, and the light grew brighter.


I jumped again slightly. The noise was getting louder. I peeked around the corner of the hall and saw Anthony standing in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by shards of glass. Behind him were rows of glasses lined up perfectly and evenly. He turned around to pick up another glass. Then, suddenly, he raised his arms, even the broken one, and smashed it forcefully on the kitchen floor, making it shatter into hundreds of tiny pieces.

"Whoa Anthony, stop!" I yelled as I ran into the room.

He looked up at me. His eyes were cold and emotionless. It was like a death stare, only worse. He didn't take his eyes off of me. I could feel holes burning in me where his eyes stared.

"Anthony, a-are you okay?" I asked, voice filled with fear.

Without looking away, he reached behind himself and picked up a glass. Then, raised his arm. I was expecting him to throw it on the floor again, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

I quickly jumped out of the way and shielded my head with my arms. Milliseconds later, the glass Anthony had been holding was thrown at the exact spot I was standing. I felt a few pieces of glass hit me when he had thrown it.

"Anthony! Stop, please! You could have f**king killed me!" I yelled, not pulling my arms away from my head.

I could see him just standing there, like he was just lost in another world. Then, I realized what was wrong. He was sleepwalking. At least I hoped that was what it was. I heard that you should never wake someone up when they're sleepwalking. It like does something to their brain or something. I let go of my head.

I walked as close as I could up to him without stepping on glass. I waved my hand in front of his face, and got the reaction that I thought I would, nothing.

Then, he started to reach for another glass and I felt a rush of worry come over me.

"Anthony," I whispered.

There were a few seconds of silence.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Stop," I said back.

He froze and his eyes shut. He was still standing. I lightly pushed some glass out of the way with my foot, reached for Anthony, and picked him up bridal-style. I carried him back to our room, trying my best to avoid the spots on the floor that had piles of glass. Gently, I lay him down on our bed, and his eyes flickered open.

"Huh, what?" he asked in a groggy voice.

"It's fine. Go to sleep," I replied.

"What happened? Why are all the lights on?" he asked, propping himself on an elbow and looking at me questioningly.

"You were sleepwalking, but you're fine now. Again, go back to sleep," I said to him.

"Whoa really? I've never sleepwalked before! What did I do?" he asked me excitedly.

I really didn't want to tell him honestly. He would freak. But, I guess lying just sometimes leads to bigger problems.

"You were just... throwing glasses," I said, purposely trying to mumble.

"Oh sh!t dude! Where?" he said as he quickly got up from the bed.

"Um. The floor and," I lowered my voice so it was barely audible, "at me."

"Oh my God! Are you okay?!" he asked seriously.

Yeah, he was freaking out.

"It's fine. I moved before you could hit me. Chill," I said.

"Oh my God," he said as he hugged me. "I'm so sorry. That's never happened before. I don't know why-"

"Don't worry about it!" I said with a laugh as I cut him off.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

We hugged for what seemed like days, weeks, months, and it felt damn good. Anthony's chin rested on top of my head and his arms were wrapped so tightly around me.

"Let's get to bed. I'll clean up all the glass tomorrow," I said.

"I made the mess! I'll clean it up," Anthony said with a laugh.

"We'll both f**king clean it up," I said as I chuckled.

We both pulled away from the hug and flopped on the bed, trying not to land on his left arm. 

"So what were you dreaming about?" I asked in curiosity as I faced him.

"I remember Nicole trying to stab you. So I picked up some rocks and started throwing them at her," he said.

"That bitch!" I said with a laugh. "How about let's not talk about her. She's not worth our time," I said.

I hated talking about her. After what she did to Anthony, I didn't even want to hear her name. It disgusted me.

"Yeah, you're right," he said with a laugh. "Well, I'm going to sleep again. Hopefully I wont attempt to kill you this time," he said as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Hopefully," I chuckled and turned away from him.

"I love you," he said.

I didn't answer, hoping to get a reaction from him.

"Um," he said.

"What?" I asked, trying my best not to smile. "Oh, did I forget something?" I asked.

I got up from the bed to turn off the lights in the kitchen and came back a minute later to see Anthony standing there with his mouth dropped open.

"Oh! And, I love you too," I said with a smile.

I kissed him on the lips as I walked by him to get back to bed.

"Douche," he said to me, failing at hiding his cute smile.

He climbed into bed with me and hugged me from behind.

"No but really, I love you," he said, sounding serious.

"Really, I love you too," I said with a smile and turned to kiss him.

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