Chapter 4

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i run up the stars to find a seat. The only one left is next to Senpai so i sit down next to him in the seat next to him.  i hoap he will notise me now that we r in the same district. The other ppl in senpai's faction start to laf wen senpai don't notise mei. I starts to cri agin and run out of the rom. Wen I am running across the street the brave epic Heros train comes and hits mei. I start to cri again. just as i sit down the reaping is over so i stand back up and clap. i blush a deep maganta wen i c Tob-tob loking @ me. Tob-tob Blushes too, and the pink brings out his frekles. there iz another chick who iz checking out Senpai. She haz long blondes hair and she iz waring some ugly gray robes. she must be from Senpai's old faction, that 1 where evryine helps each other. i wouldnt fit in Thar cuz nobody likes me enuff to help me. i am like a lone wolf.

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