Chapter 8

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@ lunch i sit alone cuz im a freak and rare. i see trish the populer strutting around w/ her squad. i also see the nerds. maybe they arent so ugly. maybe they will be mah frends. For lunch we haz Hamburgrs I see that tris doesn't know what de are and the pretty girl that is part or her squad has 2 teach her wat dey r. i laff. im from the district of honest people that noone likes, so I walk up and tell her. "So, you've NEVER seen a Hamburger? Wow... you're family must be veagn.' Triage looks at mei. I can tell she is angy. Shut up she says to mei. I cri no1 likes mei. I'm too bootyful fo them. Senpai looks at mei. SENPAI NOTISED MEI!!! But then I realise he was looking @ tris. I cri even moar. WHY DONT SENPAI NOTISE MEI. I start 2 run out of da lunchroom. But then i faint and have a flashback.

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