Ch. 2: He's...

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Ok, I'm back. 

Wally: I didn't like Dextra 2's comment.

Artemis: *eyes narrowing* Neither did I. However I did like pathtales comment and I may do that if she lets him die. *smiles evilly*

Me: *takes a few steps away from Artemis and backs into something* -Gulp-

Robin: What's this I hear about Wally being shot and possibly dying?

Me: *spins around quickly* Robin! I... uhhhh...

Wally: Rob, maybe she'll listen to you. She likes you.

Me: *backs away from the two human heroes as they come toward me* Listen, it's just a story right?

Artemis: Wrong. This is our life.

Me: *screams and runs*

Artemis and Robin: *runs after NLF*

Wally: *smiling while leaning up against the wall* Well, while Arty and Rob chase NLF, I guess you can find out what happens to me. And I want to give out a personal thanks to ZS and pathtales for your comments.


Black Canary was quickly gathering supplies and equipment so that she would be ready to help Wally when the team got here when the computer announced Flash's arrival.


"Flash, slow down! The kids aren't here yet. M'gann just called and said that they are ten minutes away, but Flash..." she walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "he's stopped breathing." Flash's eyes went wide. "Now they're doing everything to keep them alive, but he hasn't been breathing on his own for almost forty-five minutes."

Flash's legs felt like jelly to him. He fell to his knees. Canary knelt down in front of him. Flash pulled off his mask and Canary saw tears running down his face. She pulled him into a hug and they both sat there, the only noise being his soft crying for his nephew.

They hadn't realized how much time had passed until M'gann contacted them. "Black Canary, we're approaching the mountain now. Please open the hanger bay door." Canary and Flash both ran to the hanger bay.

Once the ship landed, the door opened but nobody came out. Canary and Flash looked at each other then ran into the bio ship. They saw the whole team surrounding Wally, M'gann crying into Conner's shoulder, Kaldur just staring, Robin sitting there staring at him with tears running down his cheeks, and Artemis gripping his hand and crying into his shoulder.

Wally was hooked up to a portable breathing unit, the only thing keeping him alive at this point. Flash and Canary slowly walked over to the team. The team all looked up at them and the ones standing moved so the elders could get to Wally.

Flash went to Wally's side. He took Robin's spot and laid a hand on Wally's arm. "K... Kid?"

Wally didn't move. Artemis looked up when she heard Flash's voice. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. A tear escaped Flash's eye as he unhooked Wally from the breathing unit, picked him up, and ran as fast as he could to the infirmary.

"Come on, let's get off this ship," Canary said to the others. They all nodded then slowly followed her off the ship.

Flash already had Wally hooked up to the breathing unit in the infirmary along with the heart monitor and a few other things by the time the rest of them got there. The heart monitor was beeping, but so slow. They all knew that he was losing this battle.

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