Ch.5: I Know Who You Are

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Me: *soaking wet* Hey everyone.

Robin: Uhhh, why are you all wet.

Me: Well, when you went off to help Batman, Wally and Arty caught me and hung me over that tank.

Robin: You mean they actually did it?

Wally: *zooms in and hides behind Robin* Rob, you've got to save me.

Robin: Save you? From who? Nara Lover's right here and...

Artemis: WALLY! *stomps in room*

Me: I think I'm gonna go over here. *walks to other side of room*

Robin: What's going on?

Artemis: *to Wally* HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!

Wally: I... I... *runs out of room*

Artemis: Get back here! *runs out of room after him*

Robin: What the heck did I miss?

Me: *giggling and walking back toward Robin* I'll tell you after the readers read this chapter.

Robin: *to readers* Please hurry up and read the chapter.

Me: Don't be rude.

Robin: What? I want to know why Arty wants to kill Wally.

Me: Be patient. *to readers* Enjoy the chap.


Artemis walked into her room and threw her book bag into a corner. "That little troll. I can't believe he did that," she said ticked.

"Who did what?"

Artemis jumped and turned toward the voice. Wally stood next to the bag she threw into the corner smiling. "Sheesh, Wally."

Wally just smiled, crossed his arms, and leaned back against the wall. "Sorry. So who did what to you?"

Artemis turned back around and continued to her dresser to grab some clothes to change in to so she could get out of her school uniform. "Grayson." Wally smirked and tried to hide his laughter. Artemis never looked back at him. "He came up behind me, took another picture of me and him, then wouldn't let me see it, but showed it to everyone in the school."

Wally was having a hard time keeping his laughter down, but managed to speak without giving his laughter away. "The whole school?"

She finally found a shirt and a pair of jeans and closed the drawer. "Well, maybe not the whole school, but close enough. Everyone I came across seemed to have a comment about it," she said as she walked to the bathroom and then closed the door.

Wally quietly laughed once the door was closed. "Man, I wish I wasn't checking up on the others when that happened. I bet her face was priceless when he did that."

After another minute, Artemis came out of the bathroom and looked straight at Wally. "What are you smiling about?"

Wally just kept smiling. "Nothing. So why'd he do it?"

"Who knows. He probably just wanted to be annoying."

"Or maybe because he likes you."

Artemis froze. "You're crazy. He's just being annoying. He's been that way since I got there." Wally just kept smiling at her. "No, you said Robin liked me, and there's no way Grayson is..." Again Wally tried to hold back a laugh. "No, he can't be... Can he?"

Just Hold OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora