Ch. 3: Gone

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*looks around* Ok, I think I got away from them for a while. So the last chapter was really short and I hope you guys aren't too mad that I killed Wally, but there is a point to all this and like I said at the beginning, I see this story as why Wally and Artemis aren't in the second season so...

Wally: There she is!

Me: Uh-oh, they found me. Ok I have to run for my life now so I'll let you read this chap. Oh and by the way, the next few chapters will focus on individual thoughts on Wally's death and they'll probably be really short so... *arrow and bird-a-rang zoom past my head* Aghhh! *runs off*

Wally: *stops and looks at readers* Oh and she made me when I talk in normal POV it looks like thought 'like this' *runs off to catch up with Robin and Artemis*


Wally's POV

When I looked down right after I died, I saw Uncle Barry, Red Tornado, and Canary trying to bring me back. Oh how I wanted to go back to them so bad. I didn't want to leave them.

I couldn't stand to look at Uncle Barry crying over my death any longer so I looked over at the others waiting in the common room. Man did they look terrible. Artemis was pacing back and forth, M'gann was sitting with Conner and her uncle, Kaldur was talking with Superman and Captain Marvel, and Rob... hey where is Rob? Batman's staring up in the... oh.

Man, Rob's my best friend, how could I... oh my... Is that my blood all over him? And is he crying? Oh Rob, I'm so sorry. Wait, he doesn't know I'm dead yet, does he? Well, at least Batman's trying...

"I... I couldn't..."

Aw man, Rob's blaming himself. Man, why do I have to be so stupid. Rob's already lost his mom and dad, now I have to go and make it even worse for him. I try reaching out to him, but I feel like I'm just hitting a wall, or a TV screen. Yeah, it feels more like I'm watching a movie, or one of those stupid sit-coms that my mom loves to watch.

Crap! Mom, Dad. How are they gonna take this? They're gonna be crushed.

I looked down again and saw Uncle Barry slowly walk into the room then fall to his knees. He was crying again. I then saw everyone jump up and start to go to him, but then they just freeze. Please, someone go to him! Don't just leave him like that! Man if I had a gun I would shoot myself.


Rob? Wait, where's... oh. Wait, why is the computer recognizing Arty? Why is she leaving? Arty, come back! Ughhh. I wonder what Rob's doin'.

I looked back over to the infirmary where my body lays motionless on the bed with... Rob hitting me?

"No, Wally, you have to wake up!"

Rob, I'm sooooo sorry. I wish I could wake up, really I do. I don't want to leave my little brother. I can't stand this anymore, I'm going for a walk.


It's already been two days and I can't seem to face my friends or my family. The way they looked the day I died was too much as it was, but I have to see how they're doing at least. Maybe I'll go check on M'gann, Conner, and Zatanna first.

Normal POV

Wally looked down on Mount Justice and saw M'gann slowly stirring a bowl of some kind of mix. 'Maybe those sugar cookies she always loved to make.' However, M'gann suddenly dropped the bowl and the mix went flying.

Conner and Zatanna both ran into the kitchen and found M'gann on the floor crying. Conner ran up to her. "M'gann, what's wrong."

She looked up at him, eyes red from crying for the last few days. "I was making sugar cookies," 'Knew it.' "and I just remembered that those were Wally's favorite." Wally sadly looked down at them, wanting so much to go down there and comfort her. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys."

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