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"UGH,"I groaned as I slammed a hand on my alarm.

I need to start fresh today. I need to be different. I need today to be new.

I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower. As I stepped in, I closed my eyes as I felt the warm water run down my skin. It felt good. After a bit of stalling, I applied soap to my hair and scrubbed it slowly—which also felt good.

Eventually I climbed out and wrapped my body with a soft, blue towel. My hair, however, was a different problem. I simply dried it with my hairdryer and was done.

I threw on some jeans and a sweater and headed out to the coffeeshop. I put on my apron and waved to my workmate, Erin.

"Hey, (Y/N)!,"she smiled warmly,"I see your on time today."

She was right. I'm usually always late to work. "I dunno,"I shrugged,"I thought I'd try something different today."

Erin chuckled and headed back to the kitchen.

When my shift was nearly over, a customer with a huge scarf around half of his face and on his whole neck walked up to the counter.

I put on my best worker-smile. "Hello, what would you like today?,"I asked happily.

"One Caramel Macchiato,"he said, his voice slightly muffled.

"Okay! That'll be--"

"That's okay. I don't need to pay,"the man said, cutting me off.

My face became a slight shade of red from pure anger. "Um, sir. You don't exactly have a choice,"I said, trying to keep my cool.

Erin came back out of the kitchen and handed me his Caramel Macchiato. I grasped it in my hand angrily,"You have to pay."

He snatched it out of my hand and gave me a small nod,"Thanks."

My face was completely red. This guy thinks he can just leave without paying!! I checked out, grabbed my sweater, and ran after the boy.

I looked up and down the streets but he wasn't in sight. "You know I'm looking for you!!,"I yelled.

There was no answer. I stomped my foot with disappointment and walked home.
How was first chapter of 'Text Message'? I hope you liked it~

AND who was that boy??!!

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