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Moonstar: A white she-cat with black flecks and blue eyes

Mintfang: A black she-cat with white flecks and mint green eye ( Nightsongs littermate)

Stormflower: A gray she-cat with blue eyes (Mintfangs & Nightsongs mother)

Blackfur: A black tom with green eyes (Mintfang & Nightsongs father)

Nightsong: A black she-cat speckled with white and blue eyes (My littermate)

Sunleaf: A grey she-cat with black and white markings and amber eyes (One of my best friends grew up together)

Sapphireflame: A lightish grey she-cat with purple eyes

Ravenflight: An all black tom with a white tail tip and blue eyes.

Hollyfang: A Black she-cat with white tufts of "hair", a white tail-tip, and white paws and green eyes (Feathersongs littermate)

Feathersong: A white she-cat with black tufts of "hair", a black tail-tip, and black paws and lightish purple eyes (Hollyfangs littermate)

Ivyheart: A Reddish brown she-cat a couple shades darker than Poppyshine. She has white paws and she has bright grass green eyes (My mentor, also Poppyshines littermate)

Poppyshine: A Reddish brown she-cat with a white right forepaw and white left ear. She has bright grass green eyes. (Nightsongs mentor, also Ivyhearts littermate)

Cloudheart: A White and grey she-cat with blue eyes

Willowleaf: A grey she-cat with yellow splotches and yellow eyes (Medicine cat)

Rowanfoot: A reddish brown tom with amber eyes (Sunstorms mentor)

Drizzlepelt: A brown tom with white flecks and blueish gray eyes

Bearfur: A dark brown tom with yellow eyes

Sunstorm: A handsome yellow tabby tom with bronze colored eyes

Flowershine: A golden she-cat with purple eyes (Sunstorms mother)

Yellowstripe: A yellow tabby tom with dark golden stripes and green eyes (Sunstorms father)

Frostpaw: White with black spots and brown/hazel eyes

Darkpelt: A black and white she-cat with blue eyes (Hollyfang and Feathersongs mother)

Grayclaw: A dark gray tom with blue eyes (Currently an Elder)

Poppyfern: A tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes (Currently an Elder)

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