Chapter 4

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     "Mintpaw," Ivyheart said impatiently, "you need to crouch lower and keep your tail straight." And I don't blame her, we've been practicing all morning but I still hadn't gotten it down.

     "Ivyheart can we try something else please, if I crouch for any longer I'll be stuck like this forever."

     "Fine, get up and we'll go hunting." She was angrier than usual, but I guess it's because she was tired of my mistakes. I got up and she headed towards the trees, and I followed. I'd done well with training until the fight with the rogues, in the fight I injured my leg, and Willowleaf had just told me I was okay to start training again. But my thoughts kept traveling back to the fight and distracting me. I shook the thoughts out of my mind and focused on the hunt.

     "Good job catching that shrew." Ivyheart was a little happier since I did better hunting rather than practicing battle moves.

     "Thanks, Ivyheart." I straightened at the praise. Even though we did well it probably wasn't enough to feed everyone. When we returned to camp we found a mouse and a few other pieces of prey on the fresh-kill pile, and the elders had already eaten.

     "Hey Mintpaw, how was training?" Sunpaw and Drizzlepaw bounded up to me excitedly.

     "It was great! Although Ivyheart was a bit grouchy because I couldn't stand in one spot for too long." I said happily.

     "Just ignore her, mentors now days are always grumpy and complaining, even though they have the easy job. Yesterday Yellowstripe got so mad that he ordered me to hunt for the elders by myself." Drizzlepaw complained.

     "Oh quit whining Drizzlepaw, hunting is fun" Sunpaw growled playfully.

     "But it was cold!" He said in his defense.

     "Hey let's go eat." I said hoping for some quiet.

     "Okay." Sunpaw grabbed a mouse and walked off and I grabbed a shrew and followed. Drizzlepaw stayed behind and looked for a warm piece, after what seemed like forever he found a warm plump vole and joined us.

     "So how's your leg feeling?" He said casually.

     "It's feeling better, Willowleaf says it's all better and shouldn't give me any problems." I took a bite of my shrew.

     "That's good, I hear me and you are training together tomorrow." He said excitedly.

     "Really? But you're about a moon ahead of me, I don't stand a chance against you!" I said wide eyed.

     "Yeah, but it'll be good practice." He rambled on about something else but I ignored him and enjoyed the cold breeze. I finished my shrew and we shared tongues for a while.

     "I'm going to get some rest, I'll see you at training tomorrow." I told Drizzlepaw and went to my nest and drifted to sleep.


Sorry to all those who read this :) I've been busy and have had writer's block. I'll try and update more often and make the chapters longer ;)

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