Chapter 1

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     I woke up next to Stormflower, Nightkit, and Thistlekit and stretched. Nightkit was just now stirring. It was the middle of leaf-bare and I was a restless kit excited to go outside and play in the snow. So I decided to wake up Thistlekit... I poked him with one paw hoping he would open his eyes and then shouted "Come on Thistlekit! Nightkit and I want to go play!"

     "I'll open my eyes when I'm ready Mintkit!" He hissed.

     "Mintkit," Nightkit said, "leave him alone."

     "But Stormflower won't let us play without him." I whined, "Can't you just try?"

     He sighed and reluctantly said, "Alright, I'll open my eyes." As Nightkit and I waited he struggled to open his eyes. Thistlekit had always been weak, and slow at learning, and when he was born he had an infection in his eyes and they were crusted shut so it was hard to open them, but that didn't stop me from bugging him. "I can't do it." He said tiredly. 

     "Mintkit, Nightkit why don't you go play on the other side of the nursery with Sunkit." Stormflower said softly. "Okay!" I reply happily and run off to play with Sunkit and Nightkit followed more slowly.

     Nightkit and I played catch the mouse with Sunkit while Thistlekit rested. Stormflower had gone to get some more fresh kill leaving him alone in the nest. I looked over and saw that he was shivering and whimpering in his sleep, it was a really cold day and it was snowing some more. And even with the shouts and squeals sounding throughout the nursery, you could still hear the strong wind blowing through the trees.

     By nightfall, Thistlekits body was racked with violent coughs every few minutes and I could hear him whimpering. Flowershine had gone to get Willowleaf, the medicine cat, a while ago but neither had come back yet. Thistlekit coughed more, getting weaker and weaker when Flowershine and Willowleaf finally emerged into the nursery covered in snow. "I'm sorry Stormflower I was out collecting herbs, I came here as fast as I could." Willowleaf said and examined Thistlekit.

     "Willowleaf what's wrong with Thistlekit?" I squeaked. She looked at Flowershine with a sad look in her eyes that I couldn't understand.

     "Come on kits let's go outside and play." She said as she nudged us out.

     "But I want to stay with Thistlekit!" Nightkit complained.

     "He's not feeling well so we have to let him rest Nightkit." As we halfheartedly played, Stormflower had waited beside us with a worried look.

     After a while, Flowershine emerged and headed towards us, while Stormflower went to sit with Thistlekit. "Can we go to the nursery? I'm tired." I said as I yawned.

     "No, you're going to sleep with me in the apprentice's den tonight Mintkit." Flowershine said as she led us to the apprentice's den, as we turned and walked to the apprentice's den I heard an awful wail come from the nursery. Nightkit, scared by the sound, ran to Flowershine and buried herself in her fur. I stood frozen as I saw Willowleaf come out holding Thistlekit's limp body in her jaws, I quickly ran to Flowershine burying myself in her soft fur and told myself it was just a dream.

     I woke up by Flowershine and remembered the horrible events of last night, I kept telling myself it wasn't true. But deep down I knew that was a lie. "Awake already Mintkit?" Flowershine said as she yawned.

     "Fl-flowershine did Thistlekit die last night?" I whispered hoarsely, barely getting the words out.

     She looked down at the ground sadly. "Yes, he did Mintkit." Nightkit woke up and looked at her horrified.

     "Thistlekit's dead?" She said and Flowershine wrapped her tail around her as she started to cry.

     "Shh, come here little ones. Don't be sad. He's in Starclan, where it's safe and nothing can harm him ever again." She said trying to comfort us.

     Later that day went to the nursery to see Stormflower. She was in her nest awake, eyes wide with grief, "Mother, are you alright?" Nightkit asked since she didn't greet us.

     "I'm fine dear." She lied and greeted us with a comforting lick on the head. "I have to do something, but until I come back Flowershine is going to take care of you."

     "Please don't leave mother!" I plead.

     "Don't worry Mintkit, I'll be back by tonight. I'm just doing a favor for a friend." She said in a soft calming voice.

     "You promise?" Nightkit said.

     "I promise." She gave us each a lick on the head and walked out of the nursery.

     By the time she came back it was nearly sunset and me and Nightkit were asleep when I heard a strange voice speak "I want to go home." The voice whined.

     "Sunkit, this is your home now" I heard my mother say softly. I looked up from our nest to see my mother and a kit next to her.

     "Mother who's that?" I say curiously.

     "This is Sunkit, I'll be taking care of her." I looked at her with confusion for a quick moment and disbelief, but then went and introduced myself.

     "Hi, I'm Mintkit!" She stared at me for a long moment before replying.

     "Hi Mintkit, I'm Sunkit. Who's that over there?" She looked over at Nightkit who was now awake.

     "I'm Nightkit!" She squeaked, "Want to play catch the mouse?"

     "You two know the rules no playing that in the nursery, and it's too cold to play outside" As if in sync we all sighed and dragged ourselves back to the nest disappointed. "It's time for bed anyways." She said as she followed.


Sorry it's so short it's my first actual chapter XD This chapter has been revised and edited. If you see any mistakes please tell me so I can fix them. I appreciate the help! :)

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