The Crash Part 4

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Daddy was driving on the snowy road while other people where being not safe.
Mom was getting sacred, Jack was fine he was reading his book. I was just looking at my phone messages on Face Book and my other accounts
Rebecca and Jessica kept talking about why I left in there own way which was not true. I had lots of mean messages from them and a couple of other people on the school. I heard a loud BANG and wheels sliding on the icy, snowy road. I looked to see what it was. Slow motin My body felt weight less besides my seat belt holding me in so I won't fly out of the car. My hair was all of the place, I looked at jack and his book flew out of his hands and his glasses flew of is face. Mom and Dad where holding hands before this happened and now they let go. Dad looked as if he was trying to steer the car another way but failing. Mom's body was like mine her hair all over and her body up. Back to normal this is on the out side. The truck flipped over over twice and the windows smashed having glass fly into the truck going in our skin.It hurt alot. Finally the truck stopped moving and every thing was dead silent. I could barley move my body tense. I was cold the snow was falling into the car through the broken Windows. I looked at Jake who's legs.wjere outside the car window. Then Mom her legs where close to the shatterd win shield and her arms where crazy so was her hair. It looks like dad's seat belt fell off some how. He was all over the place. I got a little sacred cause mom looked like she was dead. Then I felt my fore head and then looked at my hand and it was bloody all red. My head hurts alot and I'm cut up all over.
I hear sirens getting closer and closer. Times laps I open my eyes to see lots of men dragging my faimly out of the truck. I heard music from the radio
I listend to it. I felt warm hands touch my arm then I was placed on a bed thing. I opened my eyes and saw a man say it's gonna be all right sweet heart.
I looked to my right and saw Mom being placed into a blue bag and I didn't see Jack any where neither my dad.

The truck crash looks like the one in the picture up there but the truck is flipped upside down.
Also her brothers name is Jack Not alex

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