I Alec's P.O.V

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"Alec!" The voice of my father startled me. What was he doing here? Shouldn't he be in Idris? I pondered to myself. However, what surprised me the most was the palpable fear evident in his tone when he called out, "Alec!"

"Over here, father," I called out to him, making my way toward where he stood, surrounded by a group of Shadowhunters.

"Alec... what happened?" Dad asked, pointing at the motionless body of Camille in my arms.

His astonishment mirrored that of the other Nephilim, whose eyes were fixed on me with a blend of respect and wonder. They likely knew of Camille's reputation.

"She attempted to escape," I explained. "So, I fought her and knocked her out. We still need information from her."

"Well done, son!" My father praised me.

I couldn't decide which aspect surprised me more: my father speaking to me, his praise, the absence of disdainful looks from the other Shadowhunters, or the fact that dad still considered me his son.

"It was nothing," I replied, shifting uncomfortably. I never enjoyed being the center of attention and being scrutinized by twenty Nephilim made me feel exposed.

"You defeated one of the most powerful and famous vampires of this era. You knocked her out when it would have been easier to kill her, but you did it thinking about the Clave and its mission. And you even had time to slay demons along the way!" A Shadowhunter I recognized from previous Clave meetings exclaimed. If memory served me right, he was quite prominent in our society, his words carrying weight with the rest of the Nephilim. "If that is nothing, then kid, I'll tell you that we've been doing something wrong all this time." I blushed at his words, feeling embarrassed by all the attention and praise. "Well done, Robert," Mr. Rosewood clapped my father's back. "You've raised your son well."

"No," Dad replied, shaking his head. "He grew up on his own, right when I wasn't watching." My eyes widened at my father's unexpected admission.

Ever since the moment I shared a kiss with Magnus in the middle of the Accords Hall, he had been giving me the cold shoulder and hurling hateful words my way. Now, however, his gaze bore a newfound pride, and the warmth in his tone as he spoke about me was a stark contrast to the previous animosity.

"Let me take that from you," a Shadowhunter offered, reaching for Camille's lifeless body in my arms. "Shit! How were you able to carry her around with that wound?"

"What wound?" I inquired, puzzled by her question. I felt perfectly fine. She must have been mistaken; there was no way I was injured. Or was there? I mused internally as a wave of dizziness washed over me. Glancing down, I discovered my chest was bleeding profusely. I had forgotten about the deep cut Camille inflicted with her claws. "I might need an iratze," I declared aloud, settling onto a piece of broken wall nearby. Grateful that I hadn't stumbled or fainted yet.

"You'll need more than an iratze for that," my father remarked.

Though his tone remained professional and distant, I could discern the worry in his eyes. I always could, even from my childhood days. That's why I never harbored resentment towards him, unlike Jace, Izzy, or Max, who often took offense at his seemingly indifferent demeanor. I understood that he struggled to express his feelings for those he cared about.

"I will heal him," declared my favorite voice in the world. As I gazed up from the floor, my blue eyes locked onto the feline golden orbs of my boyfriend. "What the hell did that bitch do to you?" Magnus muttered under his breath as he started treating my wound with his magic.

His beautiful eyes betrayed a mix of anger and concern, and I couldn't help but loathe myself for causing him such pain. Especially after the unresolved tension between us before he set out to find Camille and me in the midst of battling demons. Camille's words lingered in my mind, the allure of finding out the secrets of my boyfriend's past still tempting me. Camille's sweet words were like poison.

Yet, I couldn't bring myself to betray him, not after all the sacrifices he had made for my family and I. Magnus had rescued my friend, safeguarded my family, and saved my life countless times. His magic had been a constant shield, freely given without any expectation of repayment. He did it out of love, a sentiment reciprocated with equal fervor. That's precisely why I couldn't entertain the thought of clandestinely meeting with his ex. Particularly when she was notorious for manipulating situations to her advantage, leaving her allies empty-handed.

"What's troubling you?" Magnus inquired, gently caressing my cheek. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized he had finished healing my wound. "Alec?" He called out to me, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong?"

You don't deserve him! He knows that, that's why he told you nothing about his past! Camille's parting words echoed in my mind.

Summoning the courage I needed, I met Magnus's gaze, the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. "I'm fine. I... I think the blood loss left me a bit unfocused and dizzy."

The ruse worked like a charm. Soon, everyone, especially Magnus and my father, expressed genuine concern for my well-being. Thankfully, some astute Nephilim summoned the Silent Brothers to provide assistance.

Maybe Camille was right. Maybe I wasn't good enough. Perhaps I was just one of Magnus's many lovers, not someone special to him. Maybe that's why he kept his past guarded. Maybe I could have gotten more from Camille. However, dwelling on the past was futile. I resolved to continue loving Magnus as deeply as ever and cherish our relationship. For while it might be just another chapter in Magnus's life, for me, it was my entire world. I vowed to do everything in my power to keep him by my side until the end, even if one day he found someone new.

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