I Magnus' P.O.V

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"You better lay down right now, Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" I sternly demanded of my boyfriend.

We had only recently returned from Idris, following a challenging and frustrating discussion with his parents, I managed to convince them to allow Alec to stay with me.

As if they were a more suitable choice than me, the magnificent High Warlock of Brookline, if my sweet pea ever required assistance. I scoffed at the thought. The arrogance of those Nephilim was astounding. Of course, Alec was not like that. He had proven himself worthy of the respect of both Shadowhunters and Downworlders on numerous occasions. With the most golden heart and purest soul I had ever encountered, Alec stood apart from the rest, and I, having been around for quite some time, knew this well.

"But Mags! I've been cooped up in bed for two whole days, and it's been driving me crazy," he complained. "I'm already healed. Also, it wasn't that big of a deal," he added nonchalantly.

I froze at those words. "The injury was nothing?!" I cut him off angrily. "Camille almost ripped you apart! Her claws went so deep that she tore some of your internal tissue!" My voice rose to high notes I didn't know I was capable of reaching. "You had a concussion, and you almost bled to death!" I shuddered in fear at the vivid memory.

I knew that one day I would have to say goodbye to Alexander. That one day he would meet his end. But I wanted that day to be in the distant future, not so soon and certainly not by the hands of one of my exes. The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine.

"Magnus..." I heard Alec murmur softly. "I didn't know you felt like that," he said and sighed resignedly. "Okay. If it makes you feel better, I'll stay in bed until you say it's fine to leave or until my family needs my help."

"With our luck, that could be at any moment," I joked, relieved by my boyfriend's words.

I couldn't help but smile with joy when Alec threw his head back, exposing the beautiful soft and pale skin of his neck, and let out a hearty laugh. It was the kind of laughter that illuminated the whole world and brought light into my life—the kind of light I thought I had lost after so many years of existence, after believing that my heart had frozen completely.

"Get in here, Mags," he said, patting the space next to him. "We need to finish the Merlin marathon."

My smile widened even further at that. I had been introducing Alexander to pop culture, from music and TV to idols, clothing, and colloquial expressions. So far, I had successfully exposed him to bands and singers from the last decade, and he even knew the lyrics to some songs. Additionally, he had started to enjoy TV shows and movies. Currently, we are in the midst of a Merlin marathon, our first binge-watch together. With only five chapters left in the fourth season, we were about to conclude the series.

"As you wish, sweet pea," I responded, sliding under the covers, and snuggling beside my boyfriend. I cherished the warmth and security he provided. Alec wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I allowed him to guide me, sighing happily as I used his chest as a pillow. With a snap of my fingers, the show began playing on the plasma TV in my room, and a bowl of popcorn materialized on my lap. "What?" I asked Alec when he looked at me with an amused expression. "You can't have a marathon without popcorn... or would you prefer ice cream?"

"Popcorn is perfect," he assured me, and I melted when he sweetly kissed my temple. The comfort of the moment enveloped us as we settled in for the remaining episodes of our Merlin marathon, reveling in the simple joy of shared laughter and companionship.

In that moment, a sense of reassurance enveloped me. Both of us lay in bed, adorned in our pajamas, engrossed in a mundane TV show, and munching on popcorn, all the while wrapped in each other's arms. It felt normal—a stark contrast to the upheaval Alec had experienced since encountering Camille, particularly when he thwarted her escape just one week ago. Ever since that incident, his behavior had been different from his usual demeanor, and it concerned me.

What if Camille had said something? Perhaps it was related to my past... what if Alec discovered something about me that he didn't approve of? The mere notion terrified me to the core. Alexander was my entire world, and the thought of losing him was enough to shatter me. I was certain that the pain of such a loss would be insurmountable, regardless of the years that lay ahead of me.

So, I cherished moments like these immensely—moments when we transcended our roles as a shadowhunter and a warlock and simply became AlecandMagnus. However, the joy of this respite proved to be short-lived. The final chapter of the show drew to a close, depicting Merlin growing old as his friends succumbed to the passage of time. Alec's posture stiffened noticeably.

"Are you okay, sweet pea?" I questioned him, my worry evident. "Does your wound bother you?"

"No," he answered curtly. "I'm just... tired. I am tired. I'll go to sleep now. Good night, Magnus." He pressed a brief but sincere kiss on my lips.

It was short, yet it carried a profound honesty and a wealth of love that, had I been standing, would have undoubtedly turned my knees to jelly. Before I could utter a word, Alec turned around, his back facing me, and retreated into slumber. Unsure of what to do, I cautiously left the bed, ensuring not to disturb his rest, and quietly exited the room. In the solitude of the living room, I reached for my phone and dialed my old friend Catarina.

"Yes, Magnus. I hope you have a really good reason to call me so late at night," she responded, her tone laced with annoyance.

"I don't know what's wrong with Alec," I complained to her. The words spilled out so quickly that I wasn't sure if she had grasped them, but her response assured me that she had.

"Alexander? That Nephilim of yours?" I reveled in the possessive reference, satisfying my demon side—a dark part of me that was inherently possessive and greedy. "I thought things couldn't be better. You don't stop talking about him whenever we meet... is this a medical question? Perhaps about the wound Camille inflicted on him?"

"How do you know about it?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"One of the most powerful vampires in the world being defeated by an eighteen-year-old gay Shadowhunter, dating the High Warlock of Brookline," she deadpanned. "News like that travels fast in our society. But we're getting off the point! What's wrong with your boyfriend?"

"I don't know. Everything was fine, more than fine, especially during our world trip. But then Camille appeared and ruined everything!" I huffed, frustration evident in my voice.

"We both know Camille, especially you. We're aware of how manipulative and sneaky she can be. Maybe she told Alexander something that made him feel insecure or bad," Catarina suggested. "Have you thought about that?"

"No, I didn't. What do I do now? I hate seeing Alec so sad!" I almost pleaded.

"You really love him," she commented softly. "Talk to him," she finally said after a brief silence. "That's the only way to know what is truly wrong with him."

"Easier said than done," I replied, but she had already ended the call. "Damn it!" I cursed under my breath. "Wish me luck, Chairman Meow."

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