III Alec's P.O.V

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"Finally," Mags murmured breathlessly as I pressed him against the closed door of his apartment, showering a trail of kisses down his neck. "After so many years of discrimination and injustice, downworlders will have a legal and equal place in the shadowhunters' lives."

"One day," I whispered against his skin, "we will have the same happiness we helped others to get." Locking eyes with him, I tried to convey the depth of my emotions. "Gay marriage is legal, marriage with downworlders is legal. Now there is nothing that would stop us."

"Alec..." he gasped, his eyes widening and jaw dropping in shock. "Are you saying what I think you are saying?"

"Not now, I am still too young to be a husband," I replied, taking my family's ring off. "But one day..." Handing it to the love of my life, I continued, "One day, I plan to call you Magnus Lightwood-Bane. Would you like that?"

"I would love that!" Magnus exclaimed, sliding the ring onto his finger before leaping into my arms. Our passionate kiss endured until my phone interrupted the moment with a persistent ring. "Leave it," Magnus urged, pouting.

"I can't, Mags," I chuckled at his protest. "It might be from the Institute." Answering the call, I greeted, "Hi."

"Xander!" My best friend's desperate cry sent a chill down my spine. "Someone is following me, and I can assure you he is not human!"

"Where are you?" I demanded, pushing Magnus away and rushing out of the apartment.

"I am exiting Macy's right now," she replied, her rapid breathing audible through the phone. "What should I do?"

"Wait for me at the cafe where we always eat whenever you have a lunch break free," I ordered her, sprinting as fast as I could to her aid. The thrill of newfound legal rights for downworlders and the promise of a future with Magnus were momentarily eclipsed by the urgency of Katherine's distress.

However, as I arrived, a gruesome scene unfolded before my eyes—everyone was dead. The walls were smeared with blood, and severed heads littered the floor. "Kitten!" I frantically screamed for her. "Katherine! Where are you?!"

"Help! Xander! Kitchen!" Her desperate voice echoed back.

I sprinted toward the source of the sound, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. Six transformed werewolves blocked my path, but without a second thought, I brandished my silver dagger and attacked. The danger was immense, and recklessness guided my actions as my sole focus was on tearing them apart and rescuing my best friend.

Time seemed to blur as I fought, but eventually, I emerged victorious, having dispatched all six werewolves. I strode towards the kitchen, dread gnawing at my gut. Regrettably, I was too late; the Alpha of their pack had already bitten Katherine. She convulsed on the floor, her body transforming under the influence of demoniac magic.

"Kitten!" I wailed in anguish as I rushed to her side, dropping to my knees, and cradling her in my arms. "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded answers from the Alpha.

"It's the bitch's fault. She could have stayed human and been my wife, but she refused. Now she will be tied to me for all eternity because I am her maker and her Alpha," the vile werewolf laughed maniacally.

"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" I swore, but the werewolf continued to mock me.

"How will you do that, little Nephilim?" He taunted.

"I don't know about him..." a low growl resonated through the room, interrupting the Alpha's laughter. "... but I will rip your head off!" Before I could even blink, Katherine slipped from my arms, and the Alpha's head rolled onto the ground.

"Kitten?" I softly called out to her, not wanting to startle a newly transformed werewolf. She spun around rapidly at the sound of my voice, her eyes wide with surprise. "Kitten, calm down."

"Calm down?!" Katherine shouted in outrage. "I just took a man's head off with my bare hands! How did I do that?"

"You're a werewolf now, that's how you did it," I told her matter-of-factly. "And now, you're an Alpha—for five Betas."

"I thought you killed them," she said after a moment of processing what I had just revealed.

"There are only two packs in New York," I explained. "Luke's, which is extensive because it's the merger of two packs, and the one led by this bastard." I kicked the severed head of the deceased Alpha. "His pack had twelve members, including him. I took care of six, and you killed the Alpha, making you the new leader of the pack."

"Xander, what's going on here? Pack? Alpha? Werewolves?" Katherine asked, confusion etched across her face, though she seemed somewhat more composed than before.

"Come on, Kitten. Let's head to Magnus's apartment, and I'll explain everything, okay?" She nodded in agreement, allowing me to guide her through Brookline. "I'm back!" I announced as we reached my boyfriend's apartment.

"You better have a good reason for pushing me away and running away from me, after proposing!" Demanded a fuming Magnus as he barged into the living room. He came to a sudden halt, freezing when he saw the sorry state, we were both in. "What in Lilith's name happened?" He rushed to my side, checking for any injuries, and healing them when he found any.

"Why does he have golden cat eyes? Or why is he releasing blue sparks from his fingertips? And did he say proposing? Are you getting married, and you didn't tell me?" Katherine fired one question after another, not giving me time to answer any of them. "I could have helped with the whole proposal thing!"

"Kitten, calm down," I reminded her. She took a few deep breaths and counted to ten, eventually managing to relax. "Mags, this is my best friend since I was five years old, Katherine Rosa Sangrienta. She goes by Kitty or Kate too, but I am the only one allowed to call her Kitten. Kitten, this is my boyfriend and fiancé, Magnus Bane," I introduced them.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Magnus," my friend said with a smile. "I had heard a lot about you from Xander."

"Same here, but he never mentioned your name, so I thought you were a guy," replied Mags with a relieved smile. Wait! Was he jealous? I was surprised by the revelation. "You seem to be keeping it together quite well, for not knowing a thing about this world and being thrown into it just like that. Also, Xander?"

"That's my nickname for the big guy over here," Katherine answered. "Also, I always knew that something wasn't normal with Xander. And if you knew me well, you would know that I might look okay on the exterior, but I am freaking out on the inside."

"Let's sit down and let us explain all of it to you," I offered tiredly. We all followed my suggestion, a process that took a considerable amount of time, numerous cups of coffee, and added sugar to keep us going. "What are you going to do now?" I asked her once we had finished explaining everything to her.

"I will keep on living my life," she replied. "I will go to college and work; I'll just have to add running a pack into my schedule. But from what you've told me, they are all grownups and have their own lives. They can take care of themselves, and as long as they don't cause trouble, I don't see any problem. However, I'll need your help to train and control my new powers," she said seriously. "And if you could contact Luke for me, I'll need advice from another Alpha."

"She is amazing," stated Mags after hearing her answer in silence.

"I know. I will give Luke a call and explain your situation; he would love to help," I told Katherine. "By the way, Kitten, what are you doing with the Morgenstern family ring?"

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