Chapter 14

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Dean POV

"Come on, you can punch harder than that!" I smiled, holding up my hands for Rowan to try again. She balled her fists and brought them up to guard her face. Quickly, she swung again, swiftly jabbing my hands three times.
"Nice," I beamed "your getting there!"

"Thanks Dean." She said looking up at me. "For everything over the past few days."

"Don't mention it! Your one of us!" I laughed.

"No really, Dean, Thanks" she whispered, looking at the ground.

I closed my eyes and brought her in for a hug. We had all been helping her over the last few days. Bobby with controlling her demon powers. Sam with supernatural lore. Lily with weaponry. Castiel with heaven and all things holy. And me with hand to hand combat. Overall, the last few days had been busy.

"You're a Winchester, Rowan. Winchesters help each other out." I murmured into her hair as we pulled away.

"I don't want to ruin the moment but I got you guys a beer!" A deep voice growled from behind me.

"Thanks Bobby. Why you always gotta be so intimidating?" I winked grabbing a beer and taking a long swig.

"See that?" He said to Rowan. "That's your uncle tryin' to be funny!"

Laughing, Rowan took a sip of her beer.
"Is Sam always so serious?" She asked.

"Heck yeah!" Bobby chuckled. "Notice Deans the one teaching you combat, not him? He's too wussy to fight. He prefers his laptop screen to kicking supernatural butt!"

"Hey now, that no way to talk about a nerd!" I said. "He's good at combat. When he wants to be, he can be terrifying! He just makes me fight all the time!"

We all laughed. I wished dad was there. He would have loved to see his granddaughter. Nobody knew where he was. He'd been gone for almost a year. The last time he contacted me was 11 months ago.

I wiped a tear from my eye and looked back upon Rowan. "Shall we continue?"

"Yeah!" She nodded, setting her beer down a few paces away.

I smiled. "Okay put your hands up like this and jab four times in the same place. Ready? Go!"


"What do you mean, she's dangerous?" I said wiping my sweaty brow.

Castiel sighed. "You know what I mean, Sam."

"She can't control her demon side."Lily frowned.

"She's only had three days of training!" I cried. "just give her more time. We'll go on all night if we have to."

"Yes, Sam! It has been three days! Three days and her nightmares have been getting worse!" Castiel returned.

"Don't you care, Cas!? You've been with her since day one and you're going to let three days change the way you treat her!?" I spluttered.

"Calm down, Sam." Lily said calmly.

"Well?" I cried, ignoring her.

"Of course I care!" He growled. "But Gods words cannot be disobeyed!"

I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up to my face. "Well, you tell God to give us more time."

"I'm afraid that's no possible, Sam" he chocked.

"Then make it possible." I snarled. "And if you, or any one of your friends, touches my baby girl, I'll mangle you in such a way God won't be able to save you."

"Fine. I'll talk to dad." He croaked. "But I can't promise anything."

I threw him down and made my way to the door. "Oh and Cas, I don't do empty threats."

Sam Winchesters DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now