Chapter 19

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Rowan POV

"See ya Bobby" Dean called as he shut the door behind us. "Okay. In the car. But be careful on the seats."

Rolling my eyes, I trudged forwards, shoving my hands deep into my pockets. The autumn breeze blew sharply against my ears making my hunch my shoulders even closer to my face.

"You ready for this?" Sam asked when we reached the impala.

"Could I ever be ready, dad?" I replied staring up at him.

"No. You'll never be ready." He sighed. "I'm still not ready and I've been doing this for years."

I bit my lip and begged for the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach to calm down. Carefully, I jumped in the car and buckled my seat belt. Lily got in after me, her hair lightly bouncing on her shoulders.

"So, you know how to kill a vampire?" She asked with eager eyes.

"Off with its head." I replied "that's the only way"

"Too right" she said "but don't be afraid to-"

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Dean said starting the ignition. "We don't want my niece getting any crazy ideas!"

"Fine." Lily sulked.


Slowly, I shut the car door trying to make as little noise as possible. We all crowed around the trunk of the impala waiting for Dean to hand out weaponry. He got to me last, placing a sheathed machete in my arms.

"You okay with that, kid?" he whispered.

I nodded and tiptoed over to Lily, who was holding an angel blade. For the first time since we had got there I took a look at our surroundings.

We were outside a huge rundown warehouse. Monstrous sheets of steel hung precariously over four large entrances like booby traps while rusty nuts and bolts littered the ground. The concrete structure looked as though it was about to crumble and it had dozens of vein like cracks running through its walls. Of course, the building itself was surrounded by a dense forest of pine trees, leaving the air smelling of bark and pine sap.

Sam held a thumbs up and motioned for us to enter the warehouse. With bated breath, we all nodded and made our way inside. Immediately, the air changed. It was now damp and heavy. Choking slightly, I stuffed the machete through my belt and stayed as close to Lily as I could.

"If you're wondering why we're being so quiet" she whispered into my ear. "It's because Dean and your Dad want to ambush them. They think that if they take the vampires by surprise they can kill a few before they save the hostages."

I nodded. They had hostages? I gripped the hilt of my machete tighter.

Sam put up his hand to stop us and then he signalled something to Dean who crept over to a ladder. The interior of the warehouse looked as though a bomb had gone off. There were seven or eight old pieces of machinery dotted about and around twenty huge tanks towards the back. Numerous ladders led up to rickety metal walkway crisscrossing over the taller machines and most of the windows were caked with dust of smashed.

Dean began to climb the ladder while Sam led us around a large machine with a funnel and multiple pipes and levers. He then pulled a bottle from his pocket and placed it in my hand. The label read 'dead mans blood'

"For just in case." He whispered. "Now you guys stay there, I'll be back in a minute."
And with that he hurried through the mess at machinery and towards the tanks at the back.

Dean had reached the flimsy metal walkways stationed near the roof of the warehouse. He held the railings tight and shuffled quickly along without making a sound. He glanced down and signalled something to Sam, who was at the ver back of the warehouse.

Suddenly, the walkway groaned and squeaked before snapping under Deans feet. His body slipped through the hole beneath him, one hand sliding off of the railing leaving his hanging on by his fingertips.

A sudden roar erupted from the back of the warehouse sending a shiver down my spine.
"Shit!" Lily whispered and instantly vanished.

"Wait!" I yelled only to cover my mouth. I was alone. My heart thumped in my chest, pounding relentlessly against my ribcage. There was no doubt that the vampires had heard me. I whipped the machete out of its sheath and waited. Waited for the bloodsucking fuckers to come and find me.

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