The Hero Finally Awakes

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I awoke, once again. That's all I have been doing. Sleeping, and waking up. Sleeping, and waking up. The girl known as Calypso walked through the door looking awkward at me laying in the bed. "The Hero finally awakes?" She asked jokingly. "Is the Hero alive, or is the Hero able to walk, is the real question" I replied trying not to break out in laughter. Instantly a smirk arose across Calypso's face. Within seconds she faded back to the serious looking woman. With that she looked in my eyes and left the room, leaving the whole world behind her.

Percy's eyes blinked rapidly, getting adjusted to the sunlight. Percy walked slowly out of the cave, he had already fallen twice because of his stiff legs. In front of Percy was a dining table with the beautiful girl, looking at her plate. Percy walked just about as fast as he could to the table. He sat down with a start, forcing Calypso to look up. "You finally awake," said Calypso in a not so serious tone." How long was I out," asked Percy looking her in the eyes. "Time, time is way different here Percy. It could have been a second, and it could have been a year," replied Calypso with a sad gloomy face. "Ya, wait-you know my name?" asked Percy looking scared. "Don't worry hero, you talk in your sleep". Percy hoped he didn't share any information about his sex life in his sleep. "So hero? Who is Annabeth," asked Calypso looking like she was about to hear something bad, something that she had heard all the time. "Annabeth, Well Annabeth is just a friend," said Percy thinking, well it's true we're not dating. "Hey, we're exactly am I?" asked Percy hoping he might be able to just swim to Camp Half-Blood. "Percy, you are on Ogygia," said Calypso putting a knowing tone into her speech. "Is that near Camp Half-Blood?" wined Percy like a child. "Percy, Ogygia is a phantom island meaning, you are everywhere but know where," said Calypso, still in joy of Percy wining like a child. Percy looked at the stars, here there were billions. "Calypso?" Percy asked politely. "Yes, Percy," she said politely back. "Why have you not left this island, I mean a girl like you. Shouldn't you be on Olympus?" asked curious Percy. All these thoughts poured through his head, and he was convinced she was a minor god. "It is my punishment hero, in the first Titan war I sided with my father, Atlas. Percy could have snapped back, Percy could have been a Dick, but he was the same way. If another army of monsters came to overthrow the gods, he would fight for his father, he would fight with his father to his last breath.

Percy took the sheets off of him, and hopped out of bed, looking at himself in the mirror. Last night, before Percy had fallen asleep calypso said "How are your wounds, are you ready to leave yet?" she asked, but it was more telling than asking. "I will leave, when you want me to" replied Percy, making Calypso want him so, so bad. Calypso wanted to say "don't ever leave", but she couldn't bring herself to it. Percy walked to Calypso seeing her sitting at the table, this time reading. Percy and Calypso talked, and talked but every time Calypso would smile, then frown. Smile, then frown. "Why there it goes again," said Percy trying to be just a little mean. "What? Replied Calypso knowing what he was talking about. "You keep like you keep on leaving me hanging. It's almost like your trying not to have fun" said Percy questioning Calypso. "I told you! I have been punished" she said about to cry. "How? I might be able to help you out, or make your situation better" Snapped Percy. "DONT you say that Percy, you can't help me" she snapped back reminding Percy of a girl in the Aphrodite cabin. Calypso was way hotter than Aphrodite herself. Like a train coming to the station, a raft pulled up to the Island. "Percy you can leave it all behind and live here and have immortality, or you can go back to where you came. Choose at daybreak" and with that, she ran. It was the fastest run ever, but Percy had already made a choice. Percy sat in the sand all night, waiting for Apollo to raise the sun. He knew from the second he saw her. Percy got into the water and pushed away the raft. It had no one on it, and would never be returning. Percy found a nice spot underneath a tree, so he took it and slept.
Calypso came out of her cave, totally devastated. She didn't see the raft anymore, but she had already known.
Percy stood right behind Calypso. "Hey, Do you think you could teach me how you water all these flowers?" asked Percy with one hell of a smile. Calypso turned and started running. Not away, not into the water, right at Percy. She tackled him into the sand, like a lineman sacking the Quarterback. "Perseus, why did you stay?" cried Calypso. "I stayed because I think I'm in love," said Percy still smiling. Calypso continued crying, all over Percy. For once in her life, Calypso was crying for a happier reason.

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