Becoming like them

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"See to it a once, that Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, God of the sea is brought to Mount Olympus by tomorrow night, the start of the summer Solstice. He is requested over the debate on a very important topic. If all goes well the Demi-God could very well become exactly the tool Olympus requires" read a monotoned Hermes to Percy and Calypso as they sat around their dinner table. "Do you know what the important debate is...?" Replied a very worried Percy. "Uhh... I'm not so sure If I'm allowed to tell, but between me and you, I think it may have something with you joining the realm," said Hermes still looking pretty bored out of his gourd. "YOU IDIOT PERCY! DO YOU REALLY NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS SAYING?" yelled a Calypso with mixed emotions. "Why are you yelling at me babe, and why are you so mad?" he said like a little baby because he was confused. "PERCY! IM NOT MAD! IM HAPPY! HES SAYING YOU'RE GOING TO BE A GOD!" shouted Calypso as she hugged Percy. Percy excepted the hug and started to cope with what was going on. Was he really going to be a god? "Well... It's not set in stone yet. I mean it's still up for debate, but I would say he will probably be transformed into one, and that's good for me. I mean we will finally have someone to stand up to Ares. I mean it's not like me or Apollo couldn't... We just don't like getting in fights..." Replied Hermes with a cheesy lie smile. Hermes was just starting to look happy as he realized he may not be "bullied" by Ares for much longer.

"Whelp... It's about time to go...." said Hermes as the fun died down. "I will be back tomorrow to pick you up, Percy. I will ask Zeus if Calypso can come." Now said a tired Hermes. "Alrighty, thank you very much Hermes it means a lot" thanked Percy. Hermes and Percy thanked each other and Hermes left. From the sky, Calypso and Percy could make out the very faint words of "Percy... You sure as hell got my vote!"

Calypso and Percy giggled and walked back inside for a night of love.

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