Oh My

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Grace's POV

After 45 minutes of disagreement, mainly me having to remind Leah that I was way more conservative than her and refusing to wear most of her dresses, we finally reached a settlement. It was decided that I would wear a dark blue dress that went to about halfway down my thigh, and had skinny straps. My shoes were silver sling-backs, and I planned on wearing a necklace with a tiny silver guitar charm.

Leah, on the other hand, had chosen an outfit that was a little more, uh, on the edge. Her short red dress was skin-tight, and she paired it with super high black pumps.

"Ahhhh I just can't wait!" Leah was still having trouble getting a grip on our plans for the night.

"You better not be drooling like that when we get to Liam's! I told him that you were cool," I said, laughing.

"Of course not! I've got to get all my emotions out now. And you have his address, right?"

I smacked my forehead with my hand.

"How could I have been so stupid? If course I didn't! I was preoccupied by the idea that Liam Payne invited me out. Now I have to text him again." Everything was always complicated with me.


Hey Liam! Forgot to ask you your address!


Haha no problem! Why don't we just pick you up? My flat is kind of hard to find.

I decided to give in to his request. I mean, the boy obviously wanted to be polite.


Ok! Sounds good!

I texted him my address.


Thanks! We'll be there at 10 :)

I put down my phone. There was a lot to do in 2 hours.


"Your hair is fine Leah!" She was still obsessing about looking "absolutely perfect." We had exactly 29 minutes until the boys were supposed to come.

"Okayyyy. If you say so. You, on the other hand, need to do something about that frizziness." I rolled my eyes. Leah had no problem telling me the honest truth.

"Well then help me! Should I put it in a ballerina bun or like a half ponytail?"

"How about totally down? You've got gorgeous waves and we can hairspray it so it doesn't get in your face."

"Finee. Make it pretty," I pouted.

After about 3 million different hair products for frizz control and 2 different hairsprays were applied, my hair looked more human than then the lion's mane it had previously resembled.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I stood up from my chair in front of the mirror to hug Leah. "I love it!"

"I'm glad you appreciate my tremendous efforts. Now we gotta get changed so Liam doesn't see you in those sweatpants!" She grinned.

"Let's go!" I said in a singsong voice, pulling her by the arm into my bedroom. Leah had her dress on in no time, but I was slightly slower. As I was pulling on my dress, the buzzer rang, signaling the boys were here.

"I'll get it!" Leah ran towards the front door before I had a chance to protest.


Liam's POV

When Harry, Niall and I arrived at Grace's building, we rang her flat number and were buzzed through. As we walked up the stairs to the 9th floor, I could tell that Harry was deep in thought.

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