I Must Be Dreaming

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Grace's POV

About 20 minutes after we left my building, we pulled up in front of the club. There was a long line of people lined up, with a couple of bouncers at the door. Liam climbed out of the car and held out his hand to help me out of the car, not letting go when I was safely on the ground. Harry hopped out of the driver's seat and went around the car to get the car to get the door for Leah. Niall hopped out on his own before slamming the door. Liam led me to the door, the others following. When the bouncer saw us, he nodded and let us through right away. Harry stopped to talk to him, handing him the car keys and a tip. I should have known that the boys received special treatment, whether because of their celebrity status or simply because they went out a lot.

When we got through the doors, I was overwhelmed by the blasting music and hordes of people. My grip on Liam's hand tightened. I really preferred a night in to this chaos. The club was really nice, though. I could tell it was upscale by the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and everyone was dressed well. Liam turned to me.

"You ok, Grace?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, plastering a smile on my face. There was nothing wrong with nightclubs, they just weren't my cup of tea. I didn't want to tell Liam that, though. Would he really want to be with someone who had anxiety like me? There were a lot of girls out there who actually enjoyed going out. I was getting ahead of myself. I really didn't even know if he liked me like that.

"I see Zayn and Louis over there. Follow me." Liam let me through the crowd of people. After a lot of zig-zagging, we finally reached the two couples. My jaw dropped when I saw the girls. Perrie was in a one-shoulder black dress and heels, while Eleanor was in a light pink top with black leggings and platforms. They were gorgeous. I instantly felt self-conscious.

Perrie saw us first, rushing over to greet us.

"You must be Grace! I'm Perrie- I've heard so much about you!" She seemed so nice!

"Hi, yeah I'm Grace! Great to meet you! I absolutely love your music!"

Perrie laughed. "Thank you love!" She turned as Eleanor approached us.

"Hi Grace, I'm Eleanor! Great to meet you!

"You too!" I replied. I was still shell-shocked at the fact that I was having a conversation with Perrie and Eleanor.

Zayn and Louis came up behind them.

"I see that you three have become acquainted," Louis laughed.

"Yes, we have. Zayn and Louis, if you don't already know this, you should be aware that you have the sweetest girlfriends in the world." I smiled.

"Why thank you Grace. I have to agree," Zayn grinned as he wrapped his arms around Perrie from behind.

"Let's dance!" Louis exclaimed.

I turned to Liam, who had just stood next to me the entire time I was talking to the girls. He nodded his head, leading me onto the dance floor.

"Oh gosh Liam, I'm not much of a dancer. I hope I don't embarrass you," my cheeks turned red.

Liam found it amusing. "Grace, I'm sure you're a wonderful dancer."

I burst out laughing. "Eh, we'll see about that."  

"Let me help. Danielle taught me a couple of moves when we were first going out." I was very close to peeing my pants as I watched him dance. He was purposely acting like an idiot for my benefit, and it was hilarious. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the sea of people.  

It took a couple of songs,but I was finally able to find a rhythm, and before long, Liam and I were actually having fun.

"Don't be self-conscious, babe. Just let yourself go." The words that Liam had whispered into my ear as we started dancing echoed in my brain. He was right- I was always worried about what other people thought of me. Dancing with Liam, it was a feeling like no other. We would never win Dancing with the Stars, but we didn't care how well we could move. I could finally let loose and be goofy, with someone who felt the same.

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