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Grace's POV

When Liam opened the door to his penthouse, we both gasped. The kitchen was torn apart- food was all over the counters and the floor. I could see his body tense with panic.

"Stay here," Liam instructed me, proceeding cautiously into the apartment. He made his way through the mess on the floor quietly, and disapeared down a hallway.

"WHAT THE HELL, HARRY?!" I heard Liam shout seconds later.

Assuming it was safe, I followed the sound of voices down the hall until I came to a huge room that looked like a home theater. Sprawled on the couch, surrounded by bowls of popcorn and candy wrappers, was Harry and Leah.

"Um, hey guys," I said, surprised to see them.

"Hi Grace. Hi Liam," Harry greeted us as he flashed his cheeky grin.

"What do you think you're doing in my house?" Liam demanded.

"The air conditiong broke at my place. So Leah and I decided that this was an ideal escape," Harry replied nonchalantly.

"Do you think you could have actually asked first, or maybe, let's see, crashed Niall's place? He only has enough food for the next 3 years, and is probably sitting alone watching some chick flick and sobbing his eyes out." I had never seen Liam this annoyed before. He had a point about Niall.

"Eh, never thought of that. Your flat was closer," Harry shrugged.

"C'mon Liam, we didn't mean to do any harm," Leah spoke up. "We just started The Hunger Games. Why don't you and Grace join us?"

Liam seemed to relax as he looked at me. "That seem okay with you?"

"Sounds good to me," I replied.

"Alright then. You two can stay. This time."

"Tank you Leeyum," Harry cooed.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Grace, come sit." He sat on the sectional and motioned me next to him, so Liam was on my left and Leah was on my right.

"Hey girl," I whispered to Leah. "How was dinner?"

"Absolutely amazing. How about you? I thought you guys were going back to your place."

"We did, but it was super hot."

I turned to Liam, who was busy checking his twitter feed. Harry was doing the same.

"Looks like the rumors have started, Grace," Liam said, looking up from his phone. Harry nodded.

"No one knows who you are, but there are plenty of assumptions."

"What should we do?" I had no idea about paparazzi and media issues.

"I guess we have to tell them the truth. There's no use hiding it. We're older now; we should be able to have relationships. I love the fans, but the ones that will be upset will have to deal with it." Liam was always so considerate of everyone's feelings.

"Liam's right. Maybe this could help you too, Grace." Leah was in manager-mode. Harry nodded.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"How about we take a picture and I post it?" Liam already had his phone in "selfie" mode.

"Okey dokey." I leaned in close to him and smiled as he snapped the photo. He typed a tweet and hit Post. Seconds later, I got a text on my phone.


"I want everyone to meet my lovely girlfriend @kathgracemusic xx"

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