Chapter 4. Stages

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Cultivating seed / Cultivating a friendship ... Sounding the depths  -"The Book Of Hayat"

"Alright, now that we have the four dimensional experimental universe set up inside of a ten dimensional multiverse, to isolate the experimental section, how should we roll the enclosed 4-d universe? Does it matter how we situate them Ancient One?"

"Not really." replied the Ancient Warrior with an air of mystery. "Just as long as the keys are securely converted or locked away in an unconnected universe, none of the experiment subjects should be able to access them."

"I give them three millenia of intelligent observation at the most before someone has those keys," winked the Light Bearer, displaying one of her characteristic faces against the background of cooling energy, "if records from other civilizations mean anything in this new universe. And these Guardians you propose to make for this experiment, to protect and report back on the corporeal beings? You see no potential problems with them, considering that the last two batches of messengers had to be destroyed?"

"No, Young One, there is nothing that would be a serious problem with this group. They will know their place. Let us proceed with this first stage and run it for two billion years, which should be long enough to verify short term effects before moving on to the next stage.."

"Such as?" queried the Light Bearer.

"Such as some outer galaxy star formation." replied the Ancient Warrior. "Until some of the energy coagulates into solid matter, we will have no need to worry about setting up guardians for anything, in any case. Once matter begins to cool, then we can set up an automatic procedure for creating a guardian for each inanimate and then moving being, and later we can instantiate the guardian hierarchy for the self-aware beings as they emerge. If they begin to compete amongst themselves, though, we may have to take additional steps to limit their range of abilities."

"Are you sure that only two billion years will be long enough, it does not seem very long, but if you find that acceptable then that will be good. As for the guardian hierarchies," she commented, "I can imagine them competing already. I am sure it will not be long before even the merest guardian assigned to report on the growth of a single specimen of vegetation will be urging it to grow faster! Just imagine each guardian standing over a single blade of grass whispering 'Grow! Grow!' Suddenly there will be armies of guardians rushing to rip out each others plant specimens and coming to us to clean up the mess."

"Have no fear, Young One, there will be no conflict, and this plan is good."

"Fine then we can proceed with the first stage of corporeal environment setup. But before we do that, it may be expeditious to coin a term to use as a label for this process. I suggest the term "Creation" if that will do, Ancient One."

"It will do. Let us then proceed with the Creation."

Two Billion Years Later

"Alright," began the Light Bearer, "first there is the matter of well, matter, in this universe. At the moment the only stable electromagnetic spectra are yourself, as darkness, and myself, as reflecting variable wavelength light. The earliest stars are already beginning to form in some areas of congealing energy. There is still time to make changes, if you like. The stars seem to be emitting along both of our spectra."

"No, Young One, no need for changes. Let us call that darkness Night and the visible light cycles we can call Day, when we are in this universe, just for simplicity."

"Fine," the Light Bear concurred, "but how are we going to rotate these light spectra in this universe?" We would have to take turns stepping in and out of the corporeal side unless we use a crystalline structure as the basis for the corporeal beings, and then they could reflect light on any number of wavelengths."

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