Chapter 6. How Rage Took Form

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By all of the turmoil, roiling

By every good thought, turned


My case shall be heard

-from "the Book Of Hayat"

"Oh, great," gurgled the guardian of the river, "they are headed this way again, arguing as usual. Who cares what words they use for what animals. He says fish, she says pez, or sometimes dag, so what? My stream and tributary sub-guardians are reporting that he finally took a bath, but rather than waiting in the sun to dry off, he stomped across a field, somehow managing to drown half of the grass blades, apparently. All they can hear is dim-witted grass blade guardians shouting "Grow! Grow!" everywhere!"

The guardian of a nearby boulder rumbled with a deprecating grunt: "What do you expect from such low-level guardians, anyway. They can barely monitor and report, let alone initiate any sort of action. Expecting them to whisper when their charges are dying is clearly overestimating their capacities."

"This," the river's guardian gushed derisively, "from one who can only monitor and report on bird droppings landing on its charge. Honestly."

Turning to the great tree, whose roots dove deep into the river bed, all fell silent, awaiting some response from its guardian, in the middle of Dilmun.

Dismissing a group of leaf guardians, the guardian of the great tree transmitted:

"Well, the human beings are finally talking together, but it seems to be mostly him giving orders and then ignoring her as she yells back. This is not working out well at all. Not only are they not cooperating, but he is also not tending this garden. Something seems amiss."

The river's guardian paused to acknowledge a report from a tributary guardian.

"Truuue, this man, does not seem to have turned out so well, but neither does the woman, at least if she is supposed to procreate. The Creator may as well just leave her to him, let him have dominion over her as with all the other animals. Personally I think we are better off with out any so called intelligent animals, especially bipeds with opposable thumbs, ruining the planet eventually, mark my signal. I hear from a high level guardian that a scrap of a record from an earlier planet like ours was found..."

Another pause as a sudden breeze send ripples through the water.

"How did you hear that?"

Water from the river sprayed the lower leaves of the great tree.

"Well, you know, some of us have our sources."

The tree's guardian, startled for the first time since its instantiation, transmitted:

"Do you mean to say that he intends to deny the woman the use of her free will? That will certainly not do, but I trust that if it comes to that the Creators will intervene. And stop your waters from spraying my tree's leaves! The sun is still strong and your charges water droplets are starting to burn holes in them already."

"Duly noted and recorded," gurgled the river guardian, "I cannot blame him for wanting her. She may be a mammal, but she does have a certain flow. Maybe we could keep the next few new human females ourselves, temporarily. We could call them Señoritas del Mar, or Mar Maids. Now they are only just a little lower than we are on the power scale. How much will it really take for them to notice and then contact us while we observe them? I think we should consider having ourselves rule over them directly. Either that or just mix with them to reproduce beings more like us. Maybe make the first one out of clouds, or something a bit less earthy than the clay this hybrid batch comes from. Or maybe even from crystalline matter, that would be lovely."

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